on creating a life you love

Dialing in Your 7-Figure Sales Strategy


July 13, 2021

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When it comes to strategy, there is no one-size fits all approach. What works for someone else, might not necessarily work for you, given your different dreams, desires, wants and needs. Nowhere is this more true than in the space of sales. 

“The people who are the most successful and the people who have seven and eight figure businesses, they’re repeating strategies over and over and over. They are selling a certain product or program over and over and over. So they get those testimonials and people spread the word. If we just do one thing, and then we stop, you can imagine it won’t have as much traction or impact.” – Emily Williams

Sure, there are tactics that are on trend, tried and tested and seem to produce great results. But if they are not in alignment with your core values and goals, you are unlikely to see the same success with them – and if you do, it won’t be sustainable. The good news is that you can construct a sales strategy that honors your vision for your business, and in this episode, I’m sharing exactly how to go about doing that. 

The process involves a meeting of spirituality and science, and we’ll be making use of tools to help you access your intuitive knowledge. Whether you’re into woo or not, I believe that following your inner compass is key to creating a business that works for you. When you’re in alignment, you’re happier, things run more smoothly, and you are far more likely to achieve what you set out to.

Conversely, strategy needs to be straightforward, so I’m also revealing the 3 components of sales you need to consider to strategise step-by-step. Plus I’m unpacking why you should get comfortable talking about money (and how to do it). Spoiler: It’s actually beneficial to both you and your prospective client. I’m covering the common limiting beliefs that are likely blocking you from accessing abundance, and teaching you how to prepare pre-sale. Are you ready to dial in your 7-figure sales strategy? Then let’s get to it.

In this episode… 

  • How to access your intuition
  • A visualisation exercise help you tap into alignment 
  • Introduction to The C.A.S.H Method
  • The 3 Components of Sales
  • Limiting beliefs and money blocks
  • How to get pre-sell ready
  • Why what works for them, might not work for you
  • How to price your offer


“Maybe the industry you’re in is operating in a certain way, but that doesn’t actually feel aligned to you. Okay? So I want you to get really clear on what it is that you actually want because that’s when you follow that, that’s what’s actually gonna make you successful. Not necessarily what somebody else is telling you to do.” – Emily Williams

“In the beginning, when you’re building your business, most of the time you are pulling from other people for inspiration, but for those of you who are here and you already have an established business, now it’s time to really sprinkle more of yourself into it and get clear on what really lights you up because that’s, what’s going to take you the distance.” – Emily Williams

“The people who are the most successful and the people who have seven and eight figure businesses, they’re repeating strategies over and over and over. They are selling a certain product or program over and over and over. So they get those testimonials and people spread the word. If we just do one thing, and then we stop, you can imagine it won’t have as much traction or impact.” – Emily Williams

“This is a question that comes up for a lot of people. People want to know, well, how do I price my offer? How do I figure out what people will actually pay? Now, I think about this in a different way. I think about what you want to charge for the offer first and foremost, because the truth is, if you’re only thinking about your audience, then you’re leaving yourself out of the equation and it’s bound to cause you some problems. And what I mean by that is I have people who lower their price point because they think that’s what their audience can afford to purchase. And then they end up resenting their community and their company, because it’s not actually bringing in the amount of money that they desire.” – Emily Williams

“Most people have a fear of not being liked. If we go back to, um, if we even look at this from an evolutionary psychology perspective, millions of years ago, we had to, or not millions of thousands of years ago, we had to be liked. Otherwise we would not survive. We needed the protection of the tribe, but we no longer need that. And so it’s not your job to make sure people are liked, it’s your job to get them results, to get them the transformation, to support them in whatever the thing is that you are providing them with.” – Emily Williams

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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