on creating a life you love

How Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose Can Lead to a Joyful Life With Sahara Rose


December 27, 2022

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Everyone talks about spirituality and how connecting with your inner self is all about growth, but what do these words truly mean?

“The more you can refine your voice and have your own stories and be clear in your unique message, the higher levels of abundance are naturally going to unlock because you are irreplaceable.” – Sahara Rose

After all, we all want to grow. We all want to be better people, better spouses, better friends, better parents, better siblings, better… everything.

But how do we achieve that goal? We can’t just wake up one day and find ourselves elevated to a higher spiritual realm.

No, all of this needs work. Work on the inside and work on the outside. It needs a deep understanding of the forces around us and the powers that rule our daily lives.

And most importantly, it needs us to be all right with asking for help from someone who understands all of this much better than we do.

Well, today, I’ll be interviewing that someone on I Heart My Life.

I hope you’re ready, because this is going to be a doozy!

This week’s guest is Sahara Rose. Sahara is a brilliant woman whose work is all about helping people like you and me discover their soul’s purpose, or dharma, and activate their fullest expression so they can live a better, more joyful life.

To Sahara, we were all born with a sacred purpose on this planet, and hers is to remind us of just that.

Listen in as Sahara and I talk about the meaning of dharma, transforming your body and mind, her journey, the meaning of “sacred feminine,” the power behind her success, and more.

This has been a riveting conversation and I can’t wait for you to get to know this amazing woman!

Tune in now.

In This Episode:

  • [00:00] Introduction
  • [01:19] Sahara discusses her spiritual and personal growth journey from before she was born
  • [10:15] How Sahara healed her body with Ayurveda and got her period, and her life, back
  • [21:37] Sahara explains her mindset around roadblocks and challenges
  • [29:43] How to get yourself back in flow according to Sahara
  • [35:03] The different types of doshas and how they relate to your dharma
  • [40:33] Do you want to be creating content?
  • [44:20] Sahara explains how she cultivated her confidence 


“I didn’t really do anything with spirituality for over a decade, until my early twenties when I got into yoga. And through yoga, I started to dive deeper into the mind and body connection.” – Sahara Rose

“What I’ve learned is that living your dharma is actually integrating your highest point of joy with your highest point of service, because if it’s coming from joy, you’re naturally going to have that energy to follow through and stay energized when times get hard.” – Sahara Rose

“A lot of people think karma is just ‘what goes around comes around.’ But karma actually means bounded action by the universe to keep you in alignment with your dharma.” – Sahara Rose

“The number one tip I would recommend is to tune into your visionary self, stand for a message, stand for a cause that’s greater than you, and gain clarity in your voice. Because the truth is, if we are just repeating what we’ve heard, we’re never going to get our ultimate level of abundance.” – Sahara Rose

“The more you can refine your voice and have your own stories and be clear in your unique message, the higher levels of abundance are naturally going to unlock because you are irreplaceable.” – Sahara Rose

“All I do know is that here I am, I have freedom, I have these gifts, I have this voice. So it’s up to me to decide what I want to do from it.” – Sahara Rose 

“Our doshas are related to our dharma. Your mind body type is related to your purpose. You were born with this combination because it’s part of your purpose.” – Sahara Rose 

“I believe confidence happens as a result of doing things that you’re proud of.” – Sahara Rose

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Connect with Sahara Rose:

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Find out which Dharma Archetype you are

Find out what your Dosha is



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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