on creating a life you love

How to be the Chanel and Grow Your Bottom Line with LaDawn Townsend


May 21, 2020

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What do you do when corporate breaks up with you? In the case of LaDawn Townsend, she decided to strike out on her own and build a business. Her path wasn’t straight and narrow, but life gave her what she needed to get out of her own way. 

LaDawn came from a family of entrepreneurs but found herself entrenched in the corporate world at an early age. She kept pushing and striving and found herself at the top of the ladder when one day it was ripped out from under her.

“Leadership is not a position, it’s a purpose.” -LaDawn Townsend

She had already felt the niggle of discontent with her life and when her boss called her with the news, she actually felt grateful. It was then that she decided to try and work for herself. LaDawn later went back into the corporate world to finance her business, but she knew that she was meant for more. 

After finding I Heart My Life and realizing what it means to be in tune with your desires and that it is okay to want more, LaDawn started making some huge shifts. She has always been a leader and she realized that leading others is her calling and her purpose. Her strength and focus is what drives her forward and she was done hiding her power.

LaDawn’s story is so inspiring and so real. If you’ve ever found yourself unhappy and feeling a sense of lack in your current career, it may be time to start listening to your heart. It won’t steer you wrong, but you have to have the strength, courage, and discipline to stop and truly listen to it. So, what do you desire? 

In this Episode: 

[02:42] LaDawn shares her path to entrepreneurship after corporate broke up with her. 

[05:50] How did she feel about being let go from her corporate career? 

[07:31] Sometimes life makes decisions for us, and that can be a good thing. 

[09:12] What was stopping LaDawn from going all in on her business? 

[13:38] Was she clear on the type of business she wanted or just knew what she wanted to make? 

[16:11] What it means to “be the Chanel.” 

[21:10] You gain clarity with time. Learn why. 

[22:31] Why staying in your day job can be the best thing for your business.

[27:21] Women are not meant to be in high gear all the time. 

[29:54] LaDawn shares about her first photo shoot in London and how that helped morph her view of her business.

[33:58] It’s important to understand that your desires are valid, but it’s important to stay aligned with where your business is currently at. 

[35:39] Why you need to balance your short-term and long-term goals. 

[37:39] The London experience has inspired LaDawn to continue to reach for more. 

[41:23] If you just listen to your heart, it will lead you down the right path. 

[43:57] When you are a leader a lot of times that means you’re alone, but you don’t have to stay alone. 

[45:42] What are LaDawn’s top lessons for embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship? 

[50:22] LaDawn shares what’s coming up next for her and her company.

[54:14] What is one way that people can build a life better than their dreams?

[56:40] Connect with LaDawn. 

Links & Resources: 

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Connect with LaDawn: 

LaDawn’s Website

VOS University
VOS 2020 Conference

LaDawn on Instagram
LaDawn on Twitter
LaDawn on YouTube
LaDawn on LinkedIn

Connect with Emily: 

I Heart My Life Website
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Email: info@iheartmylife.com

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“Leadership is not a position, it’s a purpose.” – LaDawn Townsend

“Why am I so afraid to fully show up? It was because no one else I knew was doing what I was doing so I immediately thought that it was wrong or that it wasn’t going to be attractive, but true leaders will lead out a vision that no one else is doing.”  – LaDawn Townsend

“A lot of people think that it’s going to be handed to them or they should already know it. They don’t realize that it’s a process and you have to gain clarity with time.” – Emily Williams

“For us as women, yes of course action and hard work is important, but also feeling joy and being lit up. Being in experiences and surroundings that bring you so much and fill you up. I think that’s so important as well.” – Emily Williams



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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