on creating a life you love

How to Make a Complete 180 in Your Life with Taylor Slango


June 28, 2022

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It’s always the first step that feels the toughest like it’s the most daunting task you’re ever going to do. And how could it not be… it’s a step in a totally new direction! But you know what’s even more thrilling than that first step towards a new life, new career, or new goal? Proving yourself wrong by showing up in a way you didn’t believe you could. And that is a transformation in itself that everyone, including you, has the ability to initiate!

“In marketing, especially something about the industry itself, it’s just always evolving. And so I think when you get really quick results, there’s almost like a complacency that comes along with it. Like, okay, don’t fix what’s not broken. This is the way it can be. We can just put it on autopilot, rinse and repeat it. And I find that when you fall into that mindset, especially in the beginning, it’s just a short fuse because you’re required to evolve as a leader, as a thought leader, as a mentor, as a facilitator of transformation. So I think behind the scenes, there was a lot of personal development to be done. ” — Taylor Slango

It’s women like Taylor Slango that know just how intimidating a complete 180 can be. After landing her first postgrad nine to five job, she quickly figured out it was anything but aligned with her values. So you can imagine her distraught and discontent knowing she needed to branch out into the unknown to find what felt natural to her. But bouncing between odd jobs is the up and down journey she needed to become her authentic self— and unlock the power she possessed.

Once she discovered her natural knack for the online marketing space, Taylor took that revelation and sprinted with it! Although her first clients were undeniably attracted to her unique energy, the conversation behind the scenes was always: How do I make more money? How do I get my business off the ground? How do I turn up my magnetism? These pressing questions prompted Taylor to morph her flourishing business into a blend of energetics with sales strategy. And that is how her company, Aligned and Ambitious, was born!

Taylor’s business has been up and running since 2019 and proves there’s more to being successful than hitting the ground running. She’s a living, breathing reminder that building your dream life (and business) is a marathon— not a sprint! I greatly resonate with her profound wisdom, especially how she navigates personal development to fully embody the message she spread with her work. 

It’s the mindfulness and magnetism that drew me to Taylor as this week’s IHML Show guest. It was an absolute pleasure listening to Taylor’s success story, how her marriage has become an amazing support system, and what she believes every entrepreneur needs to be reminded of! For those of you paralyzed by your fear of how to start building your business, Taylor has an abundance of guidance she’s eager to share.

This IHML Show episode is the perfect place to start creating that perfect work/life balance. From non-negotiables to mentorship, Taylor Slango is here to lay it all out on the table so we can get past our first steps and begin the marathon of a lifetime.

In This Episode:

  • [0:16] We welcome Taylor to the IHML Show and jump right into her success story!
  • [2:21] Taylor shares the tiny details that made her 9-5 entry-level job her biggest misery— and how she found the job opportunity that changed her life.
  • [4:08] Tune into Taylor as she walks us through the process of becoming a business mentor, starting her own company, and the empowered decisions she had to make.
  • [8:59] Here are Taylor’s top tips on getting into the marketing space and really putting yourself out there.
  • [14:37] These are the steps Taylor offers her clients to ensure they’re tapping into that embodiment of authentically showing up in their business (and life).
  • [17:09] Taylor divulges her own unique methodology for her business and its transformational vision— and the support she was grateful to have along the way.
  • [20:11] How can you detach from the stresses of running a business launch and celebrate your journey? Taylor tells us how she did it (on her own terms).
  • [23:38] Taylor is living proof that gender roles shouldn’t dictate how you live your life, here’s how…
  • [24:48] What’s next for Taylor and her company? Hear what she’s planning…
  • [27:08] Of course, Taylor spills her secret on how you can create a life that transcends your every dream.


“And I found myself totally unqualified for the position [in online marketing] if I’m being honest, but my resiliency to figure it out and learn was there. So I got the job and it up finding, I have a really natural knack for marketing and messaging and sales and strategy.” — Taylor Slango

“My natural instinct wasn’t to let me teach people marketing because I really wanted to be immersed in that career for a little while and find that mastery. But what I did know a lot about at the time was the mindset and the manifestation and the energetic principles that go into success.” — Taylor Slango

“Sometimes an evolution [in your vision for business] is just necessary.” — Taylor Slango

“I think a lot of people undervalue that [patience] in the beginning of their journey. I know I did. I was like, I just want quick cash, fast results. I wanna hit the ground running. And I did, but there was more to it behind the scenes that we needed to sustain the growth, you know?” — Taylor Slango

“In marketing, especially something about the industry itself, it’s just always evolving. And so I think when you get really quick results, there’s almost like a complacency that comes along with it. Like, okay, don’t fix what’s not broken. This is the way it can be. We can just put it on autopilot, rinse and repeat it. And I find that when you fall into that mindset, especially in the beginning, it’s just a short fuse because you’re required to evolve as a leader, as a thought leader, as a mentor, as a facilitator of transformation. So I think behind the scenes, there was a lot of personal development to be done. ” — Taylor Slango

“When you’re sitting down to write content or to go live, you don’t need to follow a bullet pointed system. You don’t need to fall into a category or a niche. It’s really about creating your own space and your own proprietary, really methodologies on whatever it is that you’re teaching.” — Taylor Slango

“What’s going to make you different is infusing your story and your own personal values into that facilitation because that’s something you offer that nobody else ever could because they’re not you!” — Taylor Slango

“I think that oftentimes people are just so eager and ready to work with clients and sell their offers, but there needs to be a foreplay element. There needs to be curiosity being raised. We have to get people paying attention. We have to get people really emotionally invested in what’s coming.” — Taylor Slango

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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