on creating a life you love

If You Really Wanted it You’d Have it Already


July 21, 2020

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I’ve said this many times and I truly believe. If you really wanted the thing that you think you want, then you’d already have it. Think about it. Think about the last huge goal you received. What did you do to achieve that goal? Where was your mindset? 

“When we operate with the belief of ‘if I really wanted it, I’d have it already,’ it helps us not only get clarity on how we reach our goals it also helps us release things that are no longer serving us.”

-Emily Williams

Because you really wanted that goal, so you made it happen. Now you need to walk it back and remember how you felt, what actions you took, and what it was that drove you to completing that goal. 

Then you need to sit down with yourself and consider why you haven’t already achieved the goal you’ve set. Do you really want it? I can’t tell you the number of times I have been on calls with clients and they’re struggling with this same question. We dig deeper and they realize, they don’t want the achievement that they thought they did. They don’t want the business that they thought they did.

It may not be that they don’t want it at all, but maybe they don’t want it right now. Once you gain clarity around what it is you really want, you can give yourself permission to keep pursuing it, or to put it on the back burner. Because when you set goals that you can’t reach or aren’t willing to reach, you’re breaking your trust with yourself. 

So, do you really want it? If so, you’d have it already!

In this Episode: 

[00:46] Our natural tendency is to avoid pain, but don’t think that blame is the way to freedom.

[03:06] If you really wanted it… you’d have it already…

[04:34] No matter if you want to run a marathon or a successful business, get real, do you want it or not? 

[07:02] First you need to move into reality around what it is that you REALLY want.

[09:19] If you’re ready to move full speed ahead on your goals, start here!

[10:47] What were you doing when you achieved a big goal in your life? 

[12:52] This applies to every goal you have in your life. 

[15:54] Your mind is going to hold you back if you’re trying to do something new.

[19:16] Is your current desire meant for right now or is it a future goal?

[22:16] What are you willing to do to reach your goals and grow? 

[24:14] Self-awareness is one of the most important traits you can have. 

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart Money Workshop


“When we operate with the belief of ‘if I really wanted it, I’d have it already,’ it helps us not only get clarity on how we reach our goals it also helps us release things that are no longer serving us.” – Emily Williams

“I’d much rather see you lower your goals for the time being and be in reality around what it is you truly want and move speed ahead with that than to be wishy washy and not actually be in reality around what is possible and what you truly want in this moment.” – Emily Williams



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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