on creating a life you love

Perspective Gained from a Life Lived “All-In”: Pairing Success with Optimal Health


March 6, 2018

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You say you want success (all of us do!), but are you actually setting yourself up for success? Is your community, mindset and physical health supporting you as you create a life better than your dreams? If not, this episode will teach you how to make powerful changes in your life, so you can reach the success you desire. During this episode of the IHML Show, we talk with Dr. Greg Wells, Ph.D., a physiologist and an exercise medicine researcher at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children and a professor of kinesiology at the University of Toronto. Throughout his career, Greg has authored two best-selling books and has coached, trained and inspired dozens of elite athletes to win medals, world championships, the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics.

Greg was only 15-years-old when he was involved in a serious swimming accident. Although he was told he’d never swim again, Greg still managed to strive forward thanks to a positive mindset and supportive team environment. His miraculous recovery sparked his interest in the human body and taught him how powerful a strong mindset could be. Just after earning his Ph.D., Greg set out on the Tour de Freak, a cycling adventure that led him across the African continent. His journey left him with a new perspective on life and a passion for inspiring others to make a genuine impact on the world around them. After a serious health scare in 2012, Greg made positive changes to his diet and lifestyle, and now teaches others how to do the same. By being just 1% better each day, he believes you can achieve a life better than your dreams.

During this episode we’re going to cover…

  • How staying positive and true to yourself, even when facing adversity, can help you achieve success
  • How his time in Africa made a lasting impact on his life and his perspective on the world
  • How taking action, even before you’re ready, can boost your confidence, mindset and determination
  • The serious health scare that encouraged him to change his diet and lifestyle
  • Why it’s important to move away from time management and into priority management
  • Why you should never hesitate to go “all in” on amazing opportunities in your life

One of my favorite quotes from this episode is this:

I think that all of us are faced with threats in our life whatever that happens to be. It could be a financial problem, it could be a relationship problem, it could be a challenge at work, it could be an illness, it could be anything. The easiest way to instantaneously move yourself into a positive direction, because we can always overcome challenges in our life I believe, most of the time. Sometimes you can’t, but most of the time you can is to pivot from perceiving the environment or perceiving the situation as threatening to you.” – Dr. Greg Wells, Ph.D.


Greg Wells, Ph.D., is a physiologist, an exercise medicine researcher at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children, and a professor of kinesiology at the University of Toronto.

The author of Superbodies, Greg is a sought-after speaker and a regular contributor to The Globe and Mail, CBC, CTV, TSN, and newspapers and magazines around the world. Greg lives in Toronto with his family.



Tune into the I Heart My Life Show with Success Coach Emily Williams to learn how to design a life you love, manifest more success and wealth, move past fear and blocks and create joy in your life and business. Emily and her world-renowned guests will help you create a life that’s better than your dreams and give you tangible action steps to get there — quickly. She’ll cut through the fluff and share what’s worked for her and the world’s most successful people. She believes that success is an inside job — not just about another strategy. The I Heart My Life Show will help you finally heart your life, experience extraordinary success, make more money, live according to your own desires and give you permission to go after what you really want.



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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