Do you struggle with balancing a prospering business and a life that you absolutely love? Do you wish you were able to find success in your business without feeling so burned out? Do you wonder if it’s truly possible to unplug, put your family first and enjoy your life without feeling like you’re neglecting your growing business? If you have a passion for creating a more harmonious life and wonder how you can better execute your sales and marketing and stop trading your time for money, you’ll love today’s guest!
Charly is a 30-year online and business expert and a high performance certified coach. He has delivered more than 3,000 coaching sessions to his students, helping them achieve success online and freedom in their lives while also encouraging them to be the absolute best versions of themselves. In this episode of the IHML Show, we’re speaking with Charly about what it takes to create a life and business that you love, how to live purposefully, passionately, positively, and productively and most importantly, why it’s so important to create a life full of experiences and not things.
During this episode, we’re going to cover…
- How one specific conversation with his former boss lead to a shift in his entire way of approaching business – and how it continues to shape the way he operates his business today!
- Why listening to your body – from severe migraines to weight gain – is so vital to your life as a whole (and will affect your business’s success, too).
- Why acquiring more things doesn’t mean more happiness. In fact, it’s just the opposite!
- How keeping alignment in all areas of your life – from health to family and friends to business- is the key to a more meaningful life.
- Why beating the workaholic lifestyle takes time and focused effort – it doesn’t go away on its own without taking command of your mindset yourself.
- How to listen to your body to better monitor the heartbeat of your business and your overall happiness in life.
One of my favorite quotes from this episode is this:
“Because you know energy flows where attention goes. You start putting energy into these things, you’re like well what it would be for me to live more positive. What would it be for me to live more passionate? What would it be to me to live more productive the way we’ve defined it and what do I have to do to shift.” – Charly Caldwell II
In October of 2000, at the age of 29, Charly Caldwell II had the absolute honor of seeing an experiment of his pay off, in dividends. 6 years earlier, after burning out from working long hours, trading time for money, Charly had an epiphany. That epiphany was: “Recurring Revenue = FREEDOM, baby!” For the last 18 years, Charly Caldwell II has had a career of helping individuals, entrepreneurs, small businesses and organizations create their own ‘FREEDOM’ by living purposefully, passionately, positively, productively and profitably through his teaching, online training and coaching business called the Life and Business Success Group, Inc.
For the last 26 years, Charly and his Internet team have had the blessing of helping hundreds of entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses create, build and maintain a ‘Healthy Online Presence’ through Online Development and Marketing through his business called Internet Services Group of Florida, LLC. Charly Caldwell II is also an international Certified High Performance Coach™, with over 3,000 high performance coaching sessions under his belt, helping hundreds of people from all around the world discover, and then consistently live into, the very best versions of themselves.
Charly believes his amazing girls, Paige and Josie, are the only real legacy he’ll leave on this beautiful planet, and he lives and believes in “Family First”. Outside of helping the world get more masterful in Life, in Business, and Online — you’ll commonly find him playing tennis, at the beach, running, walking in the park, and traveling the world — living a life of experience, not stuff!
Tune into the I Heart My Life Show with Success Coach Emily Williams to learn how to design a life you love, manifest more success and wealth, move past fear and blocks and create joy in your life and business. Emily and her world-renowned guests will help you create a life that’s better than your dreams and give you tangible action steps to get there — quickly. She’ll cut through the fluff and share what’s worked for her and the world’s most successful people. She believes that success is an inside job — not just about another strategy. The I Heart My Life Show will help you finally heart your life, experience extraordinary success, make more money, live according to your own desires and give you permission to go after what you really want.