on creating a life you love

6-Figures in 6 Months Series: Part 2


January 19, 2021

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A lot of aspiring business owners focus all of their attention on researching and implementing the right strategies that will propel them into the success they desire. The thing is, it’s not just about strategy. In fact, strategy can only go so far without laying down the foundation for the mindset needed to unlock that next level. The right mindset is essential to creating success on a large, yet sustainable, scale. After all, without making the mindset shifts I dive into in this episode, the business I have today literally wouldn’t be in existence. 

“The mistake that a lot of people make is that they put the life that they really desire on hold until they can really feel like they can go for it, but there are steps that you can take straight away so that you start to have the life that you desire, even if it’s in a smaller way.” -Emily Williams 

So, welcome to part 2 of the 6-Figures in 6 Months series. This episode is all about the mindset shifts that I made (and you can too) to help me move through any barriers standing between me and my big dreams of a 6-figure business (and beyond). The fact is that your thoughts create your reality. Mindset plays an imperative role in your success and I explain how it all begins by getting clear on your desires. I also discuss how you can track your thoughts to better understand how they are keeping you from achieving your desires. 

Once you understand which of your thoughts are holding you back, you can begin to do the work and make the shifts that will help you unlock that next level that you are craving. That reality you want. So, I literally walk you through how you can flip that switch, including the mindset shifts you can start making today to move past feelings of jealousy and overwhelm. 

I also dive into money mindset, discussing where it comes from and how to track yours to keep it from blocking your success (because it totally can). There are a lot of common money stories we believe to be true that aren’t serving us and our dreams. That’s why I give you tangible ways to start unpacking your current beliefs around money and how to shift them toward welcoming abundance.

Remember, your desires are meant for you. They are possible. You can have the business you dream of. You can hit that 6-figure milestone (and beyond). I know it’s easy to get caught up in fears and doubts, and that’s exactly why this work is so important. Truthfully, mindset work is a lifetime commitment if you wish to continue to grow in your life and business. The most important part is starting to do the work. This episode is filled with ways you can start making meaningful shifts in your mindset today

P.S. If you missed the first episode in this 4-part series, go back and listen to episode 169, 6-Figures in 6 months: Part 1. You’ll be able to learn all about what I did to help me take action in the direction of my dreams of starting my own 6-figure business, including outlining the very steps you can take in your own life and business. Oh, and don’t forget to tune in for the next segment where we’ll be covering business strategy (yes, I know you want that too!). Remember, with the right mindset and actions, your dreams are possible, lovely. 

P.P.S. If you know that creating a successful coaching business (or scaling the one you already have) is what you are meant to do but you need support in how to make it happen, we’ve got your back here at IHML. Our I Heart Coaching program is about as comprehensive as it gets, offering 360° support in all things coaching, laying the foundation to scaling your success (and income). Click here to learn more.  

In this episode… 

[03:00] Mindset is an essential part of the foundation for success. 

[06:06] Success starts by getting clear on your desires. 

[09:34] Learn how tracking your thoughts can help you “flip the switch”

[16:23] How to move past jealousy (and use it to your advantage).

[18:59] The mindset shift you need to make to avoid overwhelm.  

[23:47] Identifying your money mindset (and how it could be keeping you from success).

[27:47] How to switch the flip on your money mindset. 

[32:44] Money will come where there’s a purpose. 

[38:00] Mindset work needs to be a lifetime commitment if you want to keep growing. 

[40:09] It’s not greed to want wealth (it can actually help you help others).

[42:29] Start flipping the switch today (learn how). 

[46:12] Hear about my upcoming program, I Heart Coaching! (You don’t have to do this alone).

Links & Resources: 

Money mantras video 

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Email: info@iheartmylife.com

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart Coaching


“The mistake that a lot of people make is that they put the life that they really desire on hold until they can really feel like they can go for it, but there are steps that you can take straight away so that you start to have the life that you desire, even if it’s in a smaller way.” -Emily Williams 

“You have to think about your desires being possible for you because they are. And so often we’re taught to really limit ourselves and to be realistic and all of that. But frankly, that sort of thinking has never served me. And I don’t know anyone that it has actually served, right? It doesn’t really help us do anything. It just keeps us in that place of lack and fear and keeps us stuck”  -Emily Williams

“You know, as entrepreneurs, it’s not always smooth sailing, especially in the beginning. And so you have to be strong in your mindset and you have to believe that you are meant for this work and that you are meant to bring in the money that you desire. And so that’s why this work is so important.” -Emily Williams



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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