on creating a life you love

An Event Recap: Real Shifts from Our I Heart Money Workshop


June 16, 2020

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The transformative experience that comes with working on your money mindset is truly something to be admired. This is why I wanted to have a few of the ladies who attended our I Heart Money Virtual Workshop on the show to share how they have begun to transform their lives.

“I think what people fail to recognize sometimes is that as you’re going to the next level, whether it’s financially or really in any way… you’ve never done that before so it’s like you’re building a new muscle. There will be resistance that comes up. It’s really important that you have that awareness and that you’re consistently devouring this type of work.”

-Emily Williams

While each of their journeys is completely individual, one of the things they all agreed on was that conquering the blocks placed on them by their upbringing was huge. Many of their AHA moments stemmed from realizing that they were blocking their own abundance.

Living in a lack mindset is something that many of us suffer with because we don’t realize we’re doing it. When you learn what a lack mindset truly is and the small shifts that you can make to live in an abundance mindset instead, you’ll see immense change in your life.

Each of these ladies has an amazing story of transformation and success and it all started with their money mindset. Listen in as they share their big AHAs, the wins they’ve seen, and why giving themselves permission to succeed has been huge.

If you’d like to experience changes like these for yourself, sign up for our next I Heart Money Workshop! It starts on June 25th and we hope to see you there! Use the code INSIDER for 75% of the cost of admission!

In this Episode:

[00:10] The I Heart Money Workshop was amazing!
[04:27] Welcome Dannielle to share more about who she is and the work she does in the world.
[05:21] What was her money mindset like before the workshop?
[07:34] Did she experience any AHA’s while participating in the workshop?
[10:50] Welcome Jenelle to the podcast to share more about her story.
[12:00] What were some of the blocks that Jenelle had to move through as she started her own business?
[16:30] Jenelle shares the difference between who she is now and who she was when she first started as an entrepreneur.
[18:42] How staying in tune with your wants and needs influences your mindset and profits.
[20:48] Any AHA’s from her hot seat moment?
[22:31] Welcome Kristen to the show to share who she is, what she does, and how her mindset was transformed through the I Heart Money Workshop.
[23:28] Why was she drawn to the I Heart Money Workshop?
[24:59] Any big AHA’s for Kristen?
[27:44] What shifted in her mindset that had her taking additional forward action steps?
[31:37] Welcome Suzie to the show!
[32:31] What were some of Suzie’s mindset blocks?
[37:09] How our parents and grandparents affect our beliefs around money.
[39:06] The ladies share one way that you can build a life that is better than your dreams.
[42:10] Connect with these ladies.

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Connect with Dannielle:

Dannielle’s Website
Danielle on Instagram

Connect with Janelle:

Janelle’s Website
Janelle on Pinterest
Janelle on Instagram
Janelle on Facebook

Connect with Kristen:

Kristen’s Website
Kristen on Instagram

Connect with Suzie:

Suzie’s Website
Suzie on LinkedIn
Suzie on Facebook

Connect with Emily:

I Heart My Life Website
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Email: info@iheartmylife.com

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart Money Workshop


“I think what people fail to recognize sometimes is that as you’re going to the next level, whether it’s financially or really in any way… you’ve never done that before so it’s like you’re building a new muscle. There will be resistance that comes up. It’s really important that you have that awareness and that you’re consistently devouring this type of work.” – Emily Williams

“It breaks my heart thinking of people not moving forward with their dreams like all of you ladies here today, for fear of what people think. But also one of the other main reasons is this fear of not being able to make money for yourself. It kills me because money is an abundant resource, but most people don’t believe that.” – Emily Williams



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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