on creating a life you love

Behind the Scenes of the I Heart Coaching Program


March 18, 2021

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Are you a new and aspiring coach looking for support as you create and build your coaching business? Maybe you’re wondering how to get started or looking to add coaching services to your existing biz. If so, this is the perfect episode for you. Be sure to press play for your behind-the-scenes access to my signature I Heart Coaching program. In this episode, I sit down with three incredible I Heart Coaching members as we talk about everything from what got them to finally say yes to the program to how the program has transformed their lives. 

“I went from having a bit of a business that didn’t have any structures to now knowing that I have a complete business with the foundation set up and I have a program organized and I have the confidence that I can really help people. It’s been the biggest transformation of my whole life.” -Amy Bett

So, join me as I chat with Jada, Amy, and Natalie about everything I Heart Coaching related. Together, we talk through their journey from aspiring coaches to confident business owners. Hear how this program helped prove to Natalie that she could restructure her business to include coaching, leading to more profit and fulfillment. Listen as Jada explains how this program allowed her to walk in her purpose and achieve the freedom she’s always wanted. Additionally, Amy dives into how this program gave her a solid business foundation and the confidence that she can make a difference in others’ lives with her programs.  

The truth is, each of these women had to move past roadblocks of fear and insecurity before saying yes to this program. (So many people do). That’s why I ask them to share what they each had to overcome before they could say yes to the program. Listen as they cover everything from fear and self-doubt to financial roadblocks. So, if any of those ring true for you, be sure to listen to how these women overcame these obstacles, bringing them one step closer to their dreams. 

They also share some of their favorite parts of the program, from the mindset work and hands-on approach to the diverse team of coaches and supportive community. To keep everything 100% transparent, we also chat about some of the challenges that have come up for these three as they went through the program– and how they were able to keep going regardless. 

But perhaps one of my favorite parts of this episode is their advice to you. Don’t get me wrong; I could talk about all the ways this program could change your life until I’m blue in the face. I could celebrate the successes I’ve witnessed and the resources I’ve put together. But truthfully, there’s something so magical in hearing it from these women who are genuinely inspired by how much their lives have transformed since joining I Heart Coaching.

From actually building programs and establishing businesses to finding the faith and courage to believe in their dreams, these three women are great examples of what I Heart Coaching has in store for those ready to take the leap. And if you’re feeling on the fence? Don’t worry. They share their advice about that too. 

In this episode… 

[02:00] Meet Jada, Amy, and Natalie and hear a bit about who they are and what they do. 

[03:36] The ah-ha moment that led Natalie to I Heart Coaching. 

[06:53] Jada explains how her desire for more freedom led her to the world of coaching. 

[09:52] Amy shares her struggle to find her place in the coaching world and how I Heart Coaching helped her do just that. 

[11:19] Amy talks about how her life has completely changed since starting the program. 

[15:35] Hear how this program has empowered Natalie in a BIG way.

[19:21] Jada on giving yourself permission and the power of a supportive community.  

[22:48] The challenges these women faced during the program (and how they overcame them). 

[28:44] Unpacking mindset challenges, especially when signing up for the program. 

[35:38] How to live a life better than your dreams. 

[39:18] Learn all about the support the program offers.


“I went from having a bit of a business that didn’t have any structures to now knowing that I have a complete business with the foundation set up and I have a program organized and I have the confidence that I can really help people. It’s been the biggest transformation of my whole life.” -Amy Bett

“I’m so thankful for the way that you have the program set up because it just builds on itself. By the time you actually get to the places where you’re building the things and you’re creating the programs, you’ve done all the mental mindset work to support you in making the best decisions for your business.” -Natalie Fox

“If you’re going to invest in something, but not show up, don’t bother doing it.” -Emily Williams

“Bet on yourself, because if you don’t, then you get nowhere and then you don’t know what’s possible for, for yourself or your future or anybody that you’re going to impact.” -Jada Hartfield

“Just do it. Just step through the fear. Own the fear. Walk through the fear because what is waiting on the other side of that is so amazing and beyond what you could possibly even think that it could be at this point in your life. And if you don’t step through the fear, you’ll be in the same place six months from now wondering, ‘What if?’” -Natalie Fox

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart Coaching 



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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