

How to Market Yourself without Feeling Sleazy – A Real-life Coaching Session with Natasha McDowell

Natasha McDowell Holding Ear and Wearing a Black Sweater

Are you held back by fears, doubts, and insecurities when marketing yourself and your business? Despite what your doubts may tell you, there are people out there who need what it is you are offering. It’s your job to help them understand what you’re offering and how it can help them get the results they’re craving. Now, if the mere thought of putting yourself and your services out there for the world to see makes you feel pushy, sleazy, or simply uncertain, this episode is filled with actionable advice you’re going to want to pay attention to. 

“You have to believe in what you’re selling first and foremost, and you have to be crystal clear with people about what the results are that they can expect. A lot of times, people tiptoe around those results because they’re worried about making guarantees or false promises. But your job is to think about the best-case scenario that you know your program can support.” -Emily Williams 

You won’t want to miss this inside look at a real-life coaching call with Natasha McDowell, a member of my signature  I Heart Coaching program. Follow along as we dive into her biggest fears and insecurities when it comes to putting herself out there and marketing her (incredible) services. Truthfully, Natasha’s fears around her struggles with getting people to commit to purchasing her coaching packages are relatable for so many new coaches. 

Listen as I reveal my best advice regarding the importance of understanding the value and results that your programs have to offer. You must believe in your product and be bold and direct about the results clients can gain from working with you. Now, I know that getting people to commit to an investment can be a challenge, but that’s why I explain that there is a return on investment regardless of what realm of the coaching space you operate in. 

There’s no doubt that the coaching space is booming right now. So, I cover how to handle the doubt you may face when you see other people successfully offer the services you offer. Instead of letting it hold you back, you should use it as a sign that people are willing to pay for such services. As far as the competitors in the coaching space? I explain why you shouldn’t worry about them and instead focus on what you bring to the table. 

Marketing doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits-all approach. After Natasha unpacks her fears about being direct when it comes to following up with clients, I remind her that it’s vital for coaches to feel aligned with their marketing strategy. That’s why I share some tips with Natasha about how she can use her intuition when marketing her services while still providing value to (and not being pushy with) potential clients. 

As you listen, you can literally feel the shifts and breakthroughs Natasha has on the call. By the end, she walks away with more clarity and confidence around how to approach marketing her coaching services to her ideal clients. If that sounds like something you’d love to experience as well, you can start by tuning into this episode and listening for the advice and takeaways that resonate most with you. 

P.S. If you love what you heard on this episode and think this level of support would be helpful as you build your coaching business, be sure to check out our I Heart Coaching program. IHC is our signature program designed specifically for new and aspiring coaches, where our team of 4 incredible coaches guides you through the steps to take to build (and grow) a successful coaching biz. Book a call with us today to learn if this is the right next step for you. 

In this episode… 

[01:55] Welcome, Natasha! Learn about her health-focused coaching business. 

[02:54] Her struggles with getting people to commit to purchasing her coaching packages. 

[09:21] The importance of getting clear on the client’s result and believing your product can make it happen. 

[11:44] You have to believe in the ROI of your offer. 

[12:51] Your audience is out there (but you have to do this before you can find them). 

[17:02] The importance of showing up boldly and being direct. 

[18:34] Moving past the insecurities around what others think when charging for your services. 

[21:44] Suggestions for finding a marketing strategy that works for you. 

[25:47] Reframing the way we think about sales and marketing in the coaching space. 

[27:22] The difference between “no” and “not right now.” 


“You have to believe in what you’re selling first and foremost, and you have to be crystal clear with people about what the results are that they can expect. A lot of times, people tiptoe around those results because they’re worried about making guarantees or false promises. But your job is to think about the best-case scenario that you know your program can support.” -Emily Williams 

“Whenever we believe that [the results] are not tangible enough, or people are probably going to just go off and do it on their own and not actually pay for the big package, it’s going to come across in the sales. You have to get yourself to the place where you’re so confident about what it is that you’re selling and the results [your clients can] expect if they show up and do the work.” -Emily Williams 

“You touch people in a way that most people don’t. And so you have to remind yourself and essentially sell to yourself on a daily basis that you are special and that your message needs to be heard. And that there are clients who can only hear what they need to hear from you because they’ll resonate with you more than anyone else.” -Emily Williams 

“I think it’s important for me to know [what I need financially], but it’s not the only reason. The main driver has to be the desire to genuinely offer people something with the intention of [not just] bringing them into the program, but doing it in a way that feels good to me too.” -Natasha McDowell 

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart Coaching 

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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