on creating a life you love

How to Identify and Transform Your Money Blocks


June 30, 2020

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Our Money Mindset Virtual Workshops are truly an experience in transformation. The breakthroughs that we see are amazing and are what make these workshops so impactful. Which is why we wanted to share one of the training sessions that we held recently at our second I Heart Money Virtual Workshop.

Identifying your money blocks is the first step in understanding what limiting beliefs are holding you back. Before every workshop we ask our registrants to complete a bit of homework and one of the questions we ask is all about where they are feeling those blocks. 

“If you were to make more money than your parents or your spouse, what do you believe would happen?”

-Emily Williams

We then talk a bit about where our money stories come from and why it is so important that we change them. You see our money stories become ingrained in us at very early ages. We see how our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents feel and act toward money and we take that on ourselves. But those stories are not our stories. 

Which is why we do the work of identifying those money blocks and then transform them through changing our thoughts. This is ongoing work and it’s important to realize that you have to immerse yourself in this work, but once you do, the changes you see will be amazing.

Listen in as I share common money stories and ways you can transform your thoughts. Also realize that it is important to surround yourself with people who are also realizing what they desire is possible. So, which stories are you looking to transform? 

In this Episode: 

[01:08] This episode is a clip from our recent I Heart Money Virtual Workshop. 

[02:40] Working through your money blocks is imperative work. 

[03:16] What is a money story? 

[05:20] Most of our thoughts are on repeat day after day. 

[06:31] Examples of money stories and money struggles. 

[09:00] Why it’s important that you are aware of your thoughts and where your mind goes. 

[11:41] Your parent’s money stories are not your money stories. 

[12:35] Identify the block but then go deeper and figure out what the block is about. 

[14:23] The record for the most nonstop pushups is over 10k in a row. What does that mean for possibility? 

[16:51] Surround yourself with people who have or have the same visions and dreams as you. 

[18:19] If money wasn’t an object, what decision would you make? 

[20:52] Think about one block you know is stopping you from creating the life you desire. 

[23:52] This is something that is never done. You have to be an observer of your thoughts and realize that you are not your mind!

[25:50] Learn new ways that you can start to flip the switch on your thoughts. 

[28:09] Create your new normal and surround yourself with people doing the things you dream of doing. 

[30:10] Why Post-It notes should be helping you realize your desires. 

[33:42] How can you saturate your mind with this new way of thinking? 


“If we’ve already identified that your thoughts and your words and your actions create your reality, we need to make sure that what you’re thinking will lead to the appropriate type of action.” – Emily Williams

“If you were to make more money than your parents or your spouse, what do you believe would happen?” – Emily Williams

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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