on creating a life you love

How To Prep For A Luxury Experience (The Bora Bora Edition)


May 17, 2022

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I Heart My Life is where luxury lifestyle meets wellness. Where personal development intersects with living an elevated life. Where no dream is too big and a champagne is always a good idea. We're so glad you're here.
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I’m sure many of you are wondering where you can (actually) begin your transformational journey. With the way we see so many entrepreneurs and influencers flaunt their luxurious lives on social media, it’s shocking we never find out their secrets. What can you do to explore the breadth of your potential? And more importantly, where do you even begin? My answer: breaking out of your comfort zone. 

“What choices in your life are making it challenging for you to have the energy to show up and deliver? Maybe that’s not even a question about business or career. Maybe it’s a question about you showing up as a mother, you showing up as a friend, you showing up as a spouse.  What in your life is making it challenging to actually show up and deliver what you know you can deliver or helping you or, or making it so that it’s impossible for you to show up as your best self?” —  Emily Williams

I’m not talking about trying something new, or continuing the work you’ve already been doing. Although it’s comforting to experience these changes somewhere familiar, it will only illuminate a fraction of your life’s possibilities. What I believe to be the most impactful is reimmersing yourself into an entirely new reality! Which is what inspires me each and every time I design Luxury experiences for our high-achieving clients…

So where are we going this time? The beautiful Bora Bora! There was a time in my own life when luxury travel seemed unattainable; Bora happened to be at the top of my bucket list! But now I’m (ecstatically) in a place where I can check that goal off, and bring my amazing clients along for the ride (plus my amazing husband)! Introducing them to these opportunities not only shows them what’s out there, but what they’re capable of when they put their mind to it.

I find luxury experiences to be so intimate because they also prove to me that I’m achieving what my old self thought was impossible. More importantly, it gives me the opportunity to push the limits of the work and welcome in that space for ultimate expansion! This isn’t the average Luxury experience, because my clients were not meant to live average lives!

In this IHML Show episode, I navigate the ins and outs of how to prepare for a Luxury experience! I deep dive into how my husband and I prepare for travel, the necessary boundaries I put in place, and how we best support our clients! For all my fellow entrepreneurs and business owners out there, this is my mini crash course on the best way to show up for yourself (and your work) whilst having the experience of a lifetime!

This episode is here to remind you that your dreams deserve more than just your Pinterest vision board— all you need is passion, creativity, and a little R&R (plus some picture-perfect outfits!).

In This Episode

  • [0:58] Why Bora Bora was the perfect place to launch our next luxury experience!
  • [5:04] The many elements of our traveling— and how we physically prepare.
  • [8:15] Want to know how to fly first class? Tune in to hear my number one tip!
  • [10:04] The practical elements that support me the best on this business retreat.
  • [13:15] Here’s what you should be thinking about to show up as your best self…
  • [16:33] How we set ourselves up for success, plus navigating COVID restrictions!
  • [25:48] Ask yourself THIS to keep you grounded and protected…
  • [26:38] Listen as I share all the business preparations I make to set clients (and myself) up for the best experience possible!
  • [29:56] What do we often forget when journeying towards success? Listen to find out.
  • [33:59] The marketing strategies we use for this experience, both inside and out!
  • [40:17] Go behind the scenes with us on what’s happening while we’re away!
  • [41:08] To my fellow entrepreneurs: here’s how I prepare before I go away…


“I personally always start with: what feels like a stretch for me, what would feel like an up level? What would feel exciting? What would feel like I’m taking something off my vision board and actually doing it instead of waiting until I’m 60 or 70, or whatever it may be. And for me, Bora has always been kind of the epitome of what I was aiming for in terms of luxury travel” —  Emily Williams

“When you start to see that this sort of travel or level of experience is possible for you, then your mindset shifts. There’s a whole new belief system that forms if you’ve done it once. And so, you can do it again.” —  Emily Williams

“What choices in your life are making it challenging for you to have the energy to show up and deliver? Maybe that’s not even a question about business or career. Maybe it’s a question about you showing up as a mother, you showing up as a friend, you showing up as a spouse.  What in your life is making it challenging to actually show up and deliver what you know you can deliver or helping you or, or making it so that it’s impossible for you to show up as your best self?” —  Emily Williams

“The majority of the world, when we’re thinking about common beliefs and common ways of thinking, think about ‘how can I save the most money’. But when you’re doing that, you’re not actually going through the thought process of ‘how can I show up as my most rested self with the most energy I could possibly have to deliver and serve my clients.’” —  Emily Williams

“And so I’m always looking at how we can make this as seamless as possible and really thinking in advance. So I like to play the whole tape through, so to speak.” —  Emily Williams

“So why not just remove the stress, have your process, have the things that you require in order to show up and be your best and just own it?” —  Emily Williams

“This is not an experience where you’re sitting in a workshop space for the entire time. We want them out there moving. We are doing yoga, we’re planning meditations, we’re planning walks, we’re doing an excursion on a boat.” —  Emily Williams

“Even though we wanna get a lot of things done and we wanna pile on as much as possible and feel accomplished, a stressed mind cannot actually be creative. A stressed mind is not gonna come up with your best ideas.” —  Emily Williams

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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