on creating a life you love

Why You Need to Hire a Virtual Assistant to Grow and Scale Your Business with Ashley Kay

August 6, 2020

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You CAN do everything in your business, but you can’t do everything alone. It’s important that you understand how your business runs, but you don’t have to know how to do it all. Instead, you can and should hire a VA to help take things off your plate that you as the CEO should not be doing.

“While you can do everything, because you can. You can’t do everything alone.”

-Ashley Kay

So first, what is a VA? A VA is a virtual assistant who can help you with everything from administrative tasks, to copywriting, podcast management, and so much more. There are generalist VAs and specialists and who and for what you need to hire is specific to your business, your needs, and the things you don’t enjoy doing. 

Why hire a VA? One of the biggest reasons is because if you created a business to coach others, then you should be coaching others, not worrying about invoicing, contracts, etc. When you hire a VA you’re hiring a collaborator, an ear, a person to take some of the work from you so that you reduce your overall stress levels. 

Hiring a VA is a multi-step process and you should be prepared for this piece. While skills are amazing, anyone can learn anything. The most important thing you need to worry about is whether or not you’ve found someone that you can trust, talk to, and who meshes with your personality. 

Your VA is an integral part of your team. As long as you know exactly what to do to set them up for success, then your business can only grow and thrive. You have a finite amount of time just like everyone else. What are you currently doing that you hate? What do you not know how to do? What could you pass off? 

Listen in and learn my best tips for finding, hiring, and onboarding your new business bestie!

In this Episode: 

[02:12] Welcome Ashley Kay to the show to share why you need a virtual assistant. 

[02:46] Learn more about her background and why she decided to become an entrepreneur. 

[05:26] How she found virtual assistance and their role in the business world. 

[08:18] What is a virtual assistant and what do they do? 

[09:43] Why hire a VA? 

[11:26] While you can do everything, you can’t do everything alone. 

[12:45] You always have someone to collaborate with. 

[13:36] A VA can help reduce your stress!

[15:41] Learn how you can figure out which tasks to pass off to a VA.

[16:52] How can you go about finding the right person? 

[19:15] You can teach someone anything, but you can’t teach personality compatibility.

[21:53] Learn Ashley’s top tips for setting your VA and business up for success. 

[24:23] Treat your VA as an integral part of your team. 

[25:52] Connect with Ashley.

Links & Resources: 

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind


“You can have absolutely anything that you desire in this life. Absolutely anything. If you have the courage to chase it and to go after it. Because you are deserving of it all and you can have it all. You’ve just gotta go for it. You’ve just gotta have the gumption.” – Ashley Kay

“While you can do everything, because you can. You can’t do everything alone.” – Ashley Kay



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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