Are you settling for a life that doesn't light you up?

Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day. You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but the problem is that you don't know how to move beyond it...

Is it time that you starting really living?


You're not alone.

"I know it's time for the next chapter, but I don't know what that next chapter will be."

"I'm done letting life pass me by and happen to me..."

"I have big visions, but I don’t do anything about them. It’s easier for me to support other people."

"I know I'm capable of so much more, and I'm ready for the next level."

"I'm tired of shrinking and I've never allowed myself to really grow. I want to step into the light."

"I know what I want, but I don’t know how to make that life happen."

"Things aren't happening as fast or as easily as I'd like and I don't know why...but I'm ready to find out!"

Does this sound like you?

"I've been trying to make big changes for years, but nothing seems to stick and I can't gain traction and the results I want."

We believe that if your heart is calling you to start a business, find the relationship of your dreams (or end a relationship), make more money, land the book deal, quit the job, move to the other country, that's actually your truth, and you owe it to yourself  to explore that further.

Our belief? You deserve a life that you deeply love. And everything you want is meant for you and possible.


That's the fullest expression of your life trying to come through. We teach you our unique methodology to getting clarity on your desires, reprogramming your mind to create more success and staying in consistent (and aligned action) towards your dreams and vision.

You're not crazy for wanting more. 

"Emily really opened my eyes to the vast possibilities and options that I had to creating a life I desired. She helped me to see that my current reality was based on the stories and the people that I had in my life...

- Theresa Nguyen, HEaler, TExas

The mindset work in IHML opened my eyes to the fact that my corporate job, while "safe", was keeping me stuck. So after 18+ years in engineering...I left my career in engineering and began working for myself full time.


I feel secure in myself and have fallen more in love with myself. Being able to ‘not take responsibility’ I’m not responsible for anyone’s emotions except my own. It’s taken huge pressure off who I am and who I want to be. I’m so much happier within myself!

- Dannielle Lecointe

Realistic doesn't need to be your default setting.

You were taught to be realistic about your dreams and plans and just be grateful for what you have. But at the end of the day, you know that that isn't resulting in happiness or you fulfilling your potential. You know there's more to life than what you're experiencing, and you're ready to make it happen...

The mindset work in IHML opened my eyes to the fact that my corporate job, while "safe", was keeping me stuck. So after 18+ years in engineering...I left my career in engineering and began working for myself full time."

I feel secure in myself and have fallen more in love with myself. Being able to ‘not take responsibility’ I’m not responsible for anyone’s emotions except my own. It’s taken huge pressure off who I am and who I want to be. I’m so much happier within myself!"

"I started dreaming again. And I felt a sense of 'anything is possible for me' IMMEDIATELY."

- Natalie Fox, Social Media and Marketing Expert, minnesota

- Haley sands, diplomat, Ohio

- Dannielle Lecointe, chorEographer and Business Coach, London, UK

Yes, I'm ready!

 The I Heart My Life Course is designed to guide you toward living life in a different way than everyone else— one where you go for your desires and no longer let doubt, shame, insecurity or other people's judgment stop you from moving forward with that "something big" you know you're meant for. It brings together mindset, money beliefs, success principles, vulnerability, and gives you tangible action steps to ensure your career and life dreams come true.

The I Heart My Life Course

It Includes:


  • 🖋 Our 3-part framework that you can use to apply to any area of your life and transform it. (Lifetime access)
  •  🎥 Workbook and video tutorials breaking down our process and giving you clear action steps.  (Lifetime access)
  • 📞 Live bi-weekly calls with Emily (every 1st and 3rd Thursday for 90 days) and the chance to ask questions live.
  • 👭 Student-only access to our Community Chat in our Circle App.  (Lifetime access)
  •  🙋🏼‍♀️ Student-only access to our Community Call the last Thursday of every month.  (Lifetime access)

We know how to help you transform your life and get what you desire.

We've been working with ambitious women all over the world for the last ten years, And now, we've created this live program to support you in uncovering all of the ways you're keeping yourself stuck. And instead, get you moving in the direction of your big dreams. It's simple: Learn to follow your desires, not your fear.

"I have already experienced a massive breakthrough in shifting my mindset! I dived straight into the material which has enabled me to move past a period of creative block that I had been silently struggling with for over 18 months, as an online writer. In the space of less than 2 weeks since joining the community, not only have I started writing again - but I have completed and finished an article which I am ready to publish!"

"I now feel so much more empowered and less driven by my emotions. Less passive and more powerful in general!"

“As an academic (PhD) and entrepreneur I’ve always considered myself ‘successful’, but Emily’s unique approach to goal setting made me question what my TRUE desires were and whether I was chasing dreams that were even mine to live. Fast forward 6 months and I’ve pivoted my business, moved house, ended a romantic relationship, started a coaching certification program and therapy diploma, and am writing my book – daily. More fulfilled than ever, I FINALLY feel like I’m achieving things that are MEANT for me. I’m creating success on MY terms, rather than ticking off to-dos on a list.”

- Tegan Dean, Online Writer & Certified Health & Life Coach, Ireland

- Dr. Ness mcintosh, copywriter, London, UK

- Florence andrews, Actress and coach, London, UK

By the end of this program, you'll...

Have clarity on your desires and what you want in all areas of life

Have developed a way of thinking and a mindset in alignment with your desires and stopped operating from a place of fear and lack

Understand how to set and reach aligned goals

Have developed relationships and gained a support system that you can lean on for the years to come

"...I’ve made huge shifts and strides toward an embodied and realized existence. I officially started my coaching business, left a toxic relationship, went full-time in my business, have manifested my DREAM partner (he’s better than my dreams), and continue to take empowered action today..."

— Evelyn, COACH, Kentucky

“I’ve made huge shifts and strides...”


The I Heart My Life program walks you through our three-part methodology in 12 modules. Each training component is designed to help you get clear on what you want and create the life that you're craving and includes a workbook and video training.


Generating Belief in Your Dreams

module 1

You may not realize it yet, but you’ve been programmed not to show up for yourself. In this first module, we dig deep into why, as women, we so frequently deny ourselves our right to dream big. It’s not the voice of ‘reason’ that’s stopping you – that’s the voice of fear and old programming, and it’s essential you learn to call it like it is and quit believing it. The first step to creating a life you love is acknowledging that you’re meant for something more!


Creating a Possibility Mindset

module 2

Mindset work is crucial in building the life you’re meant to be living. In this module, you’ll learn that your current reality isn’t an indication of what’s possible or meant for you. What’s possible for you is what’s in your heart and what you desperately want! Most of us are addicted to being realistic, but telling yourself to ‘be realistic’ doesn’t empower you – it doesn’t inspire you to aim high, to explore possibilities, or to dream big dreams. It’s time to embrace the possibility mindset. 


Living a Life Based on Desire

module 3

In this module, you will uncover what it’s really like to listen to your heart. The reality is that most of us aren’t using our hearts to their full potential. We aren’t actually taught to follow our heart -- we’re instructed to ‘think’ our way to success and the life we want. And, that stops here. It’s time to connect with what you truly want and give yourself permission to actually go for it!


Uncovering Your Purpose

module 4

This module is all about understanding purpose, clarity, and choice in your life. Even if you think you already have clarity on your purpose, you can use what I teach you to go to the next level. We’re all constantly reinventing ourselves and nothing we do is permanent. There’s always another level and deeper clarity to uncover, and that starts with getting on the frequency of what you desire.


Mindset 101

module 5

In this module, you’ll gain insight into whether you’re currently living with a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. Our minds are naturally designed to keep us safe and comfortable, but the truth is: you need a mindset makeover to reach your goals. The amazing news is that you can take back the power over your mind... and I’m going to show you how.


Money Mindset 101

module 6

Lovely, a healthy money mindset is the key to making money. You’ve probably been taught not to talk about money or that wanting wealth is selfish. But in order to hit your financial milestones, you have to make an internal shift in the way you talk and think about money. It’s all about owning your desires (before you physically own them!). The content in this module is a complete game-changer for so many of my clients!


How to Set and Reach Your Goals

module 7

Goal-setting is more than just a plan. It’s also about setting yourself up for success while also aiming as high as you can. In this module, you’ll get clear on not only setting your big‑picture goals but also your short‑term goals - because as a driven woman, you have to learn how to focus on both types of these goals simultaneously.


Taking Consistent and Right Action

module 8

In this module, you’ll ensure that your big dreams don’t simply become pipe dreams by taking real action toward them. We’ll cover finding (and remembering) your why as you tackle hard truths like procrastination, burnout, perfectionism and prioritizing.


The Importance of Self-Love

module 9

A common misconception is that we need to be hard on ourselves in order to make progress. For motivated women like you and me, once we’ve seen the result of constant hard work, it’s difficult to believe there’s another way. In this module, you’ll discover that you can have everything you desire, without pushing yourself to the point that you hate your life and your business (which is the opposite of what we’re doing here!). Self-love is an important part of this journey.


Understanding and Moving Through Challenge

module 10

Challenge creates strength and allows you to grow in ways that positive experiences truly can’t. When you hear about my challenges and experience your own – which you will, because we’re all humans – I don’t want you to feel alone. I want you to know that it’s normal. In this module, you’ll learn more about the importance of challenges in your life and business, but also how to move through them with growth and support.


The Power of Support

module 11

I know firsthand that finding your community is hard and that being a woman with big dreams in a world that often thinks small can be lonely at times. In this module, you’ll uncover how to handle those people in your life that just don’t get you or your dreams. We’ll also discuss how to go about forming new friendships and relationships that are grounded in support and encouragement. Because the truth is, relationships are essential to your success.


Next Level Success

module 12

In our last module, you’ll take a hard look at whether or not you’re under-living and selling yourself short. I need you to always remember that this is your journey. No one else gets to make the rules. You are in charge here. It’s time to throw the Reality Rulebook out the window because you’re meant for so much more! You’re ready to channel the next-level version of yourself and your success. 

"I have not been there for long BUT I do already see shifts inside me that would not have happened if not for that community/content. I got to 1st get a big look at my desires and allowed myself to dream big and now believe it can happen! That is huge for me especially in a short amount of time."

- Stephanie Mauler, Boston, Mass

“I allowed myself to dream big”


"So for me, the top learning would be that reminder of be bold, think outside the box and keep stepping outside the box, do something different. What I'm most excited about is being that bold person, that confident person, but also just like recommitting over and over to myself. Like the vision is there, go after it and like trust in it.."

Kristen Kunk, Banking, Columbus, Ohio

Low Monthly


One Payment 


$997  USD


Most Popular  🥂

Most Flexible



Learn the key principles of nutrition (this info will surprise you!) and how to transform your health without following a diet, fad or a program that's not aligned for YOU.

You'll learn...

  • How to reduce inflammation in your body
  • The top oils to avoid in your diet (and why)
  • How to use food as information for your body
  • How to stop fuelling the "fire" in your body
  • How to shift your mindset to make big health changes (that stick!)

Key Principles of Nutrition and Transforming Your Health



(WORTH OVER $8,000!)

with Mona Sharma

FREE! Included with the I Heart My Life Program

Mona Sharma is a dynamic leader and entrepreneur in the health and wellness industry who works with high profile clients around the world. She also has a reoccurring role on the Facebook series Red Table Talk where they profile her work with Will Smith, and the entire Smith family’s healing journey.

This training is an overview of the Universal Laws (some of Emily's favorite ones) and how to use them to transform your mindset from lack to abundance and create more wealth in your life (in every area!).

You'll learn...

  • About the Law of Oneness, Law of Vibration, Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, Law of Polarity, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Giving and Gratitude and how to apply them to your life to see more success, ease and abundance

How to Use the Universal Laws to Create More Success

with Emily Williams

FREE! Included with the I Heart My Life Program

This training is an overview of the Universal Laws (some of Emily's favorite ones) and how to use them to transform your mindset from lack to abundance and create more wealth in your life (in every area!).

You'll learn...

  • About the Law of Oneness, Law of Vibration, Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, Law of Polarity, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Giving and Gratitude and how to apply them to your life to see more success, ease and abundance

The Power of Pleasure and How to Tap In

with Dr. Kimberly Pendleton

FREE! Included with the I Heart My Life Program

Learn how to speak your truth, get visible and confidently share your message with Coach, Licensed Therapist, Voiceover Expert Vasavi Kumar

You'll learn...

  • Vasavi's framework to tapping into your truth and using your voice to get what you want and live a more aligned life
  • How to create stronger boundaries in your life and healthier relationships
  • How to use your voice to achieve your goals and lean into your purpose and power

Say It Out Loud

with Vasavi Kumar

FREE! Included with the I Heart My Life Program

Learn how to understand your "type" in human design, make decisions more effectively, operate in your own unique way (creating more flow) and achieve more success.

You'll learn...

  • What you human design type actually is
  • How tapping into your human design type can help you create more flow professionally and personally
  • How most of us try to force ourselves to show up in a certain way that's actually unnatural and why that can stunt our growth (and what to do about it)

How to Use Human Design to Create More Success

with Victoria Fenton

FREE! Included with the I Heart My Life Program

This strategic training is designed to help you have more time freedom, streamline your day and schedule and relieve overwhelm and stress.

You'll learn...

  • The three main reasons we get overwhelmed (and how to manage them)
  • How to handle information overload in this modern age
  • How to introduce more play into your life
  • Megan's top time management tips and the resources that she recommends

Work Life Harmony Isn't a Myth

with Megan Sumrell

FREE! Included with the I Heart My Life Program

This training is about giving yourself the freedom of choice when it comes to life, business/career, health - you name it! Jessica teaches us how to harness the power of our mind to create a life we love and how to ride the waves of highs and lows.

You'll learn...

  • How to give yourself permission and let go of what's no longer in alignment (in every area of your life)
  • The mindset to adopt to virtually guarantee your success
  • How to stop achieving from a place of hustle or force

How to Pivot with Power and Know You'll Succeed

with Jessica Caver Lindolm

FREE! Included with the I Heart My Life Program

Learn how to reinvent yourself when you feel that it's time for a change and a new chapter.

You'll learn...

  • How to move past your fears and insecurities when it comes to pivoting or reinventing yourself 
  • How to get off the hamster wheel of life that's keeping you doing things you don't want to be doing
  • How to release the people or activities in your life that are no longer serving you
  • How to (quickly) get clarity on your next steps

How to How to Reinvent Yourself and Your Career

with Emily Williams

FREE! Included with the I Heart My Life Program

I'm Emily Williams, your new guide to the life you want.

For a long time, I struggled. I wasn't clear on the life I wanted to create, I was afraid to go for my dreams, I didn't have the support system I was craving, and my mind was holding me back. Maybe you feel the same....

Even recently, I went through a big reinvention both personally and professionally. It was painful, but it gave me the chance to reevaluate what I really want from my one life and get clear on my desires. I also learned how to create with less effort and more flow...something I'd struggled with up until now.  I'm so excited to invite you to this 8-week container where I'm teaching you what I've learned in my ten year journey to creating a life I love. 

hey there!

It's time to listen to that voice inside you that says you're meant for something big because (spoiler alert) you are!

The life you are craving is yours for the taking, and it’s time to dig in and make it happen. Because nothing will change unless you take control.

My belief? If it’s in your heart, it's meant for you.

This is your time and we have the program you need to get you the results you want.

but guess what...

as seen in:

*All workshops will be recorded if you can't attend live.

Within this program, you get access to 90-days of bi-weekly calls. I host the calls on the first and third Thursdays at 12pm Eastern.*

Call Schedule

The only way to get what you want, is to actually know what you want. And even more important, admitting to yourself what you want and believing it's possible for you. Sometimes, we get so focused on what we think we should want that we stop going for our actual dreams. All of that will change with this course.

In order to move forward with your dreams, it's imperative that you believe they are possible for you and start to operate from a place of desire, not fear. And that takes a shift in mindset. We help you reprogram your mindset with this course so you achieve your next-level goals.

Get Clarity

Cultivate a Success Mindset

Clear path ahead

Postive thinking

We believe that whatever you want, wants you back...and that includes wealth. And yet most people don't know how to increase their capacity to receive more in their life. There's a way to create with more ease and flow in your life, and we'll teach you how! 

Create More Abundance

money mindset

Ever taken one step froward and one step back? We both know that it's imperative that you take action in order to see your big results manifest into reality. This course will teach you how to stay the path when the going gets tough and stay persistent towards your goals.

Increase Resilience

Increase action taking

Reminder, Here's What You'll Learn


Signature Course Reading List

This reading list is GOLD! Books have been a huge part of my mindset transformation. I’m giving you my list of the books that have been vital to my success, and I recommend reading them daily. It’s like a daily vitamin to support you in developing your new, powerful mindset.

$97 Value

Plus! Grab your seat today and qualify for our bonus bundle!

Manifesting and Visioning Masterclass

Want to learn how to manifest and use visualization in your life to get what you desire? This training breaks down the process Emily's used in her own life to create quantum leaps as well as lasting change.

$97 Value

Money Mindset Masterclass

Our Money Mindset Mastery is one of our most popular workshops and it's yours immediately upon registration! You'll learn what your money story is, how to transform it and how to create more wealth into your life starting now.

$97 Value

Monthly Goal Setting Guides

The reason why most people don't get what they want is because they don't know what they want! We recommend that every single month at the start of the month, you set clear goals and intentions. By using our guide, you'll gain clarity and results.

$47 Value

Money Mindset Screensavers

Money mindset is our jam! And it's time for you to reprogram your own mindset to create the financial success that's calling you. One of the ways you do this is by saturating your mind with positive thoughts. Get our desktop and mobile screensavers to do just that!

$27 Value

Master Your Busy Mind Training

Get access to one of Certified High Performance Coach James Williams' most popular trainings. He shares his "Three Room Theory" and meditation which will help you reduce anxiety, stay present in the moment and increase overall happiness -- while still remaining driven!

$27 Value

"They say you should never meet your heroes; in this case, that rule doesn't apply. Emily has profoundly impacted my life. From the moment I heard her podcast, I felt her authenticity. Once I met her, I realized she was the same, if not better. She is incredibly driven and influential, yet she is never forceful or severe. She has a special gift of guiding and empowering others without imposing her individual beliefs or agenda. Instead, she listens with an open heart, creating a safe space for self-expression and growth.

It's not just about the words spoken but how they are delivered and how they deeply impact your soul. It's a rare and beautiful experience to be in the company of someone you look up to and feel wholeheartedly accepted and seen. You can feel that Emily empathizes with the challenges you face, and at the same time, she empowers you to move forward.

Emily's guidance and support have been a gift to me, my relationship, and my everyday life. She has a radiant aura, and being in her presence feels like having the big sister I never had. She genuinely cares about your well-being and is cheering you on. I'm so grateful for her." 

— Katie Hurley, Publicity, North Carolina

“Emily has profoundly impacted my life”

Our Method Works. Here's Proof.

This program "has been transformative for me, in every regard - personally, relationally, emotionally. My 'thought life' has been recalibrated and upgraded. It has changed the way I show up as a coach. I am trusting myself more, feeling more assured, confident and resilient. I love how the quarterly calls with Emily provide a front row seat to see her 7-figure mindset and it's completely contagious! The ripple effect has extended far beyond my business. Working through the framework, and and has given me the opportunity to become reacquainted with my dreams, aspirations and ultimately the vision for my life.

Especially entering a new season of life, being a mum, whilst running a business and navigating all that life brings, it has meant SO much to me to be part of a community that is all about cultivating success and rising together with others who are also committed to learning, growing and doing big things in the world one dream at a time."

— RobYn Hume, Dietician and Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, London, UK

“I am trusting myself more, feeling more assured, confident and resilient"

"I have had so many breakthroughs and ‘aha moments’. My biggest is letting go of my limiting beliefs with regards to money and the fear of failure. I’m now actively pursuing my dream of setting up my own business. I’ve gained clarity, improved my mindset and have utilised my connections within the IHML community. I’ve got an accountability partner that I now talk with every two weeks, I’ve organised a weekly podcast session with one of the members and I have connected with a couple of other women who are interested in my services and are providing feedback so that I can continue to learn and grow."

— Natalie Riede, Coach, London, UK

"I have had so many breakthroughs and ‘aha moments."

"After being part of Emily's community for many years, I have bit by bit changed my entire mindset about what I am capable of. Last year I wrote down three MAJOR goals for my life that I wanted to achieve - not in a 'pie in the sky' kind of way, but rather, with the full understanding that I was not only capable of achieving them, but that I would be able to weather whatever setbacks I faced while I worked on them. One of these goals has now been fully achieved - even though there was a total and utter NO that set me back for a few months - and I am so incredibly proud of myself for not only getting it done, but also for how I handled that setback. I am halfway through to my second goal - again, having faced a major health setback that stalled me for several months - and I am confident that it will be achieved. And I'm steadily working on my third goal. In addition, I think that the determination and focus that I've had while focusing on these goals has resulted in so much further inspiration that my life has completely changed since last year. I'm now working on a new business that will be open by my 50th birthday in May, and in which I'll be doing something that's one of the core reasons for my existence - helping other multi-passionate women achieve their many dreams, no matter how divergent they seem. I can say that Emily's coaching, messaging, and consistency has helped me work toward achieving these goals. I also want to put in a shout-out to James, Emily's husband, for his amazing contributions to all of her programs. I've learned so much from him too.

— Nadia arbach, writer UK

“I have bit by bit changed my entire mindset about what I am capable of"

"I was on the sidelines dreaming about working for myself but had no idea how to do it, I also didn’t have too many role models my age. I’d be watching people (mostly men at the time) on YouTube talking about online marketing and personal development etc and I wanted to be them. I had a corporate job that I wasn’t crazy about and I felt like I wasn’t on the right path for myself. I would wake up dreading my day, go sit at a job feeling like I was doing things that didn’t really matter to me, making barely a livable paycheck - I just didn’t feel good about my life and was ready to take a big leap.

I mean it changed everything I started my first business, and I’ll never forget the first time i got a client, or sold a course I created. Life took off from there, I’ve been able to work for myself ever since and I’ve truly found my place as an entrepreneur. In the first five years I had an exhilarating time traveling the world, hosting programs, retreats and building my life and business that u loved. I made life changing money - and I learned so much about myself and marketing online that I can now apply to any business moving forward. Now I have two young kids and I’m incredibly grateful that everything I learned with Emily allows me to stay home with them, create a work life on my terms and only work at times that work for me, which is a huge priority for me as a mom."

— Sofie Von Marricks Hung, Branding and Web design, Vancoeuver, Canada

"Now I have two young kids and I’m incredibly grateful that everything I learned with Emily allows me to stay home with them, create a work life on my terms and only work at times that work for me, which is a huge priority for me as a mom."

12 Modules and Framework

Go through our 12 modules which breakdown our complete framework for creating real lasting change and a beautiful life that you love. All modules include a workbook + video training in our app on your phone or in our membership library. 

Let's Sum It Up...

90 Days of Bi-Weekly Calls with Emily

For 90 days, you'll have the chance to submit questions to me and I'll answer them on your bi-weekly workshop. Note: This is the only way to work with me and get my direct feedback and will be an opportunity to connect with other members of the group. All calls will be recorded if you can't attend live.

Lifetime Access to Our Community App + Monthly Support Call

We know that it takes time to transform your life, so in addition to the 90-days of support, you'll get lifetime access to our community and monthly community calls. (You're welcome!) This is a chance to connect directly with likeminded women on the personal growth path.

$3,000 Value

$6,000 Value

$6,000 Value

Here's What's included in the program

8 Advanced Masterclasses

Learn from some of the top mentors and thought leaders on a variety of topics that will enhance your life and transform your current reality.

Bonus Bundle: Reading List, Manifesting and Visioning Masterclass, Money Mindset Masterclass, Monthly Goal Setting Guides, Money Screensavers

Get access to some of our favorite trainings and guides to further your learning and transformation.

Lifetime Access

You'll get access to all of the content for years to come. So although the live portion of this program is 90 days, you'll be able to explore the material after that as well.

$300+ Value


$8,000 Value

Total I Heart My Life Program Value: $20,000+

Total I Heart My Life Program Investment: $997

Low Monthly


One Payment 


$997  USD



Most Popular  🥂

Most Flexible

"I took massive action with the ongoing accountability and direct guidance I received from Emily...With the success of my online business, I was free to go live and work wherever I wanted to. Eventually my husband also got to quit his soul-draining job as well so we both have time freedom and location freedom together :) 

Jennifer Jayde, Speaker and Coach, San Diego, California




This is for the woman who is ready to shift into the woman she wants to be. She wants to be intentional about the next phase of her life, to level up, and to take her goals to the next level. If that's you, make sure to jump in today. This is your time, and we're here to support you.

I'm not a business owner. Is this course still for me?

Are you being called to something big (even if you don’t know what that something big is yet)? Do you want more from your life and to stop playing small? Do you want to learn how to tap into your intuition (and be bold enough to follow it)?

If you answered, “yes” to any or all of those questions, then you are 100% in the right place! You don’t have to be a small business owner or entrepreneur to apply what we’re learning to your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer refunds?

No, we don't. We are so confident in this product and we know if you complete the modules, you will get results. 

Will I get all materials immediately? 

Yes, the program modules and bonuses will be released all at once. We recommend that you complete at least one module per week. 

How long will I have access to the program?

You get lifetime access to the course so you can complete it at your own pace.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Yes, you will be able to submit questions that Emily will answer on the bi-weekly calls.

Can't I find this content somewhere for free?

Probably, with enough time and research, tons of effort and plenty of real-life trial and error, you can become a master at pretty much anything… for free… BUT if you’re ready to start building a life of your dreams NOW and not have to guess at what works, then this course is the perfect resource for you. Emily has truly put every bit of what she's learned into this so that you can get started immediately. Life’s too short to waste any more time living in a way that doesn’t light you up daily!

email US

Still on the Fence?

let's do this

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your life is an important one. If you have a question, just reach out below, and we'll help!