on creating a life you love

How To Be Magnetic To What You Want


June 1, 2021

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What are your biggest desires for your life, business, or career? The truth is, if you’re not attracting what it is you want, you’re repelling it. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of how you are showing up for your desires. It’s far too easy to come up with all the excuses. But at IHML, we’re all about showing up and doing the work. Why? Because that’s how you live a life better than your dreams. 

“Think about how much energy you’re wasting thinking, ‘Oh, it’s not possible for me to find love, or it’s never going to happen with my business. I’m not going to be able to get the results or there are no clients for me.’ Really think about how much time you’re spending in that place and how that’s not serving you and it’s just leaking energy. [Instead], stay in faith.” -Emily Williams 

That’s why I love working with my clients. I love diving deep into their desires and revealing what it is that’s holding them back. From there, we create an actionable plan to help them step into whatever it is they truly want. I recently had the honor of doing this with one of my lovely one-on-one clients craving financial abundance in her business. Since our one-on-one sessions, she’s attracting more financial abundance than ever before. 

Despite her initial hesitation to spend the money on a month of one-on-one coaching, she ultimately understood that fully committing to and showing up for her business was the only way to achieve the desired results. With that said, this episode is an invitation for you to step into your biggest desires in your personal or professional life. 

We’re all capable of getting what we want in life. That’s why I’m sharing the same steps you can take to attract your desires, big or small. So, follow along as I reveal how you can be magnetic to everything you want in your professional or personal life. I break down exactly what my client has been doing to achieve her incredible results so that you can take this step-by-step process and apply it to your life. From actionable steps to questions you can use to keep yourself on track, this episode has everything you need to start being a magnet to all you want in this world. 

The truth is, if you’re not clear on what it is you want, it’s really hard to achieve those big results you’re craving. That’s why I walk you through everything from getting clear on your goals to showing up with unwavering faith. I explain how feeding negative energy and fear only gets in your way, revealing what you can do instead to reconnect with your purpose and desires. 

The bottom line is that taking big action is the way to achieve big results. I explain why getting support is an essential component of growth and how stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to progress. The best part is that with time and practice, these steps will become more and more natural. Eventually, you’ll find that this magnetic nature is a way of being. 

So, no matter where you’re looking to add abundance to your life, this episode helps pave the way toward those results you’re craving. Be sure to tune in so you can be on your way to attracting all you want and more. Remember, if you’re willing to show up, keep the faith, and do the work, the sky’s the limit. 

In this episode… 

[03:18] An incredible client case study. (The importance of showing up.)

[06:10] Step 1: Get clear on the goal. 

[07:35] Step 2: Be specific and obvious with your offer. 

[10:15] Step 3: Show up with unwavering faith. 

[11:54] Step 4: Reconnect to your purpose and desires. 

[13:53] Step 5: Take (big) action and get support.

[16:26] The power of being uncomfortable. 

[17:37] How to utilize these steps to be magnetic anytime and anywhere in your life. 


“Oftentimes, when it comes to marketing, [women] are not specific. We’re not obvious. We’re not telling people what we have to offer and why it’s so amazing.” -Emily Williams  

“Really think about what’s going to get you into action and what is the fastest, easiest, and most joyful way to get the result that you want.” -Emily Williams 

“Think about how much energy you’re wasting thinking, ‘Oh, it’s not possible for me to find love, or it’s never going to happen with my business. I’m not going to be able to get the results or there are no clients for me.’ Really think about how much time you’re spending in that place and how that’s not serving you and it’s just leaking energy. [Instead], stay in faith.” -Emily Williams 

“Maybe for you right now, in order to get magnetic again or for the first time, you need to reconnect to your purpose or reconnect to that thing that you want. That’s why we always start with getting clarity on what it is that you actually want.” -Emily Williams 

 “A lot of people say you need to be positive all the time, but really you just need to be sure. You need to be sure that this is what you want and that it’s available for you and continue to hold that belief.” -Emily Williams 

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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