on creating a life you love

How to Use Feng Shui to Change Your Life with Kate MacKinnon


April 29, 2021

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At I Heart My Life, we witness so many examples of the great things that can come from trusting your instincts. The problem? So many people lack the alignment needed to trust their gut and fully step into their calling. Maybe you feel like you’re meant for something more but can’t quite get the clarity you need. Perhaps you’re feeling stuck or unfulfilled but can’t put your finger on the solution. If so, this is the episode for you. 

“Our homes actually reflect the choices we make. Our homes are a map of who we are. The choices we make in our external environment actually reflect what’s going on internally.”  -Kate MacKinnon 

As it turns out, our intuition can guide us to our truest callings and deepest desires. That’s why I’m excited to bring you this episode all about how creating alignment in your physical space can make room for mental, emotional, and spiritual alignment as well. It’s all in the power of Feng Shui.

Now, I wasn’t really sure if I was a believer until I sat down with Kate MacKinnon, a certified Feng Shui practitioner. Hearing her story, what she does, and how she uses physical changes in her client’s space to transform their lives totally shifted my perspective. 

This episode covers the basics of Feng Shui, explaining why you should implement it in your life and how it can open the doors for life-changing transformation. From client success stories to tangible tips for getting aligned in your space (at home or on the road), this episode will have you believing in this powerful practice too. 

This episode begins with Kate taking us way back, outlining the journey that led her to pursue her passions of Feng Shui full-time (despite a successful corporate career). While this episode offers insight into the power of Feng Shui, it also serves as a reminder of the importance of following your instincts and pursuing your passions. 

For Kate, that passion was helping others achieve balance and alignment through rearranging their physical space. Follow along as we discuss the principles behind the practice and how our external environments reflect our inner truths. (Is your mind blown yet?). Kate details why Feng Shui works to help her clients (and how it can help you, too). Her services have led to clients landing dream gigs, achieving new levels of wealth, and finding more happiness. 

You know I’m all about helping you take action and make positive changes in your life. That’s why I ask Kate to share tips for how you can bring Feng Shui to any space you are in, whether it’s at home, work, or on the go. The best part? These tips are pretty simple! As it turns out, small and simple changes can lead to big results. It’s all about creating a space that makes space and energy for you to step into your most authentic self. 

I’ve always known alignment is vital to long-term success and happiness, and after this conversation, I was so ready to have Kate come into my house and work her Feng Shui magic. Give it a listen, and I’m sure you will be too. 

In this episode… 

[02:30] Welcome, Kate! Learn how resilience and desire paved the way toward her success.  

[07:19] Why Kate followed her instincts, despite success in the corporate world. 

[09:29] What finally pushed Kate to step into her passion full-time. 

[16:59] Kate dives into Feng Shui (and why it’s important to your wellbeing).

[20:01] Learn more about how Kate uses Feng Shui to help her clients. 

[22:24] Hear some of Kate’s Feng Shui success stories (and why it works). 

[26:32] The power of giving yourself permission. 

[28:18] How to bring Feng Shui wherever you go. 

[32:08] Tips for implementing Feng Shui in your space to create alignment. 

[35:27] How the I Heart My Life Mastermind has transformed Kate’s business. 

[40:50] Kate’s advice for living a life better than your dreams. 


“It’s important [to remember] how instinctual we are and how that can actually lead us in the direction we’re meant to go.” -Emily Williams 

“Our homes actually reflect the choices we make. Our homes are a map of who we are. The choices we make in our external environment actually reflect what’s going on internally.”  -Kate MacKinnon 

“I think it’s really important to follow what feels right for you. When I’m working with people, I give guidelines. I don’t always say, ‘Do this exact thing, and it has to look this way,’ because I really believe people know. So it’s about creating that space because it feels good.” -Kate MacKinnon 

“Sometimes we’re scared, and we think fear is the reason why we shouldn’t do it. I’ve learned in my own experience that fear is a reason why I should do it because it’s the thing that I really want.” -Kate MacKinnon 

“Desire is just leading us towards more life.” -Emily Williams 

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Kate on Twitter

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Email: info@iheartmylife.com

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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