on creating a life you love

My Top Lessons from 200 Episodes of The I Heart My Life Show


May 4, 2021

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Join us as we celebrate a BIG milestone…

It’s the 200th episode of the I Heart My Life Show!

I have to be honest. I almost didn’t celebrate this exciting achievement. If you’re anything like me, you know it’s way too easy to get swept up in the hustle. It’s easy just to keep working and moving toward the next success. 

“If you’re going to be consistent with something, our mind likes to be rewarded every step of the process. We need to make some conscious effort to remind ourselves how well we’re doing to praise ourselves, show love to ourselves, and celebrate ourselves.” -Emily Williams

That’s exactly why I needed to record this episode. Until my podcast editor reached out to ask what we would be doing to celebrate this special episode, it didn’t really dawn on just how big of a deal it was. We all know that showing up consistently for a big vision takes a lot of heart, work, and dedication. That’s why it’s so important to celebrate both the big and small wins along the way. 

In fact, that’s one of the most important lessons this podcasting journey has taught me. We deserve (and need) to acknowledge our hard work and celebrate our achievements. It only helps propel us toward more success and even bigger victories. 

To help me celebrate this episode and help you find success in whatever big project you’re tackling or significant milestone you’re after, I’m using this episode to share my top five takeaways that I’ve learned along this podcasting journey. 

These lessons aren’t just for people pursuing podcasts of their own. While I may be sharing how these lessons have helped me get this podcast to where it is today, they can be applied to any big goal you may have that requires you to show up consistently. Maybe it is a podcast. Or perhaps you’re launching a business or starting a blog. Maybe you’re looking to lose weight or save money for a big purchase. Whatever that goal is that you are after, these tips can help you get there. 

Follow along as I talk about everything from the importance of having a purpose behind your project to knowing when (and who) to ask for help. Learn how your why will help drive your heart and dedication (and earn you those results you’re craving). I’ll also discuss how having a team and sticking to a schedule have helped keep me on track (and how they can help you do the same). As much as this episode is a celebration of what we’ve accomplished here at IHML, it’s also a reminder for you to celebrate the milestones you achieve along whatever journey you’re on. 

One last thing… 

Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or are just finding this show, I’m so happy you’re here. This show was founded on the belief that everything you desire is not only meant for you but possible. I hope this episode, and any others you’ve listened to, enlighten and inspire you the way they have me. While I’m thrilled to have reached this incredible and rewarding milestone, I know there is still so much greatness and inspiration to come. Stay tuned, Lovely… 

In this episode… 

[01:06] I almost didn’t celebrate this milestone!

[03:50] Lesson 1: Know the purpose behind what you’re doing. 

[06:11] Lesson 2: Know when and who to ask for help. 

[09:12] Lesson 3: Teach what you love. 

[12:22] Lesson 4: Get organized. 

[14:52] Lesson 5: Celebrate! (Including those little victories along the way).

[17:29] A big shoutout (and many thanks) to you


“Really think about that thing that you’re moving forward with and ask yourself, does this contribute to the bigger picture? Does this contribute to the vision? Is there an actual purpose to this? Or is this just wasting time? ” -Emily Williams 

“Really think about what it is that you love to do and, if you are going to be consistent at something, it really helps to make sure that your heart is one hundred percent into it.” -Emily Williams 

“There’s really no set way [to get organized], but I do find that being scheduled is really the best thing that you can possibly do [for consistency and long-term success].” -Emily Williams 

“If you’re going to be consistent with something, our mind likes to be rewarded every step of the process. We need to make some conscious effort to remind ourselves how well we’re doing to praise ourselves, show love to ourselves, and celebrate ourselves.” -Emily Williams 

“Celebrations along the journey [are] going to contribute to even better results. When we see and acknowledge ourselves doing a great job and praise ourselves, it shifts our energy. When we have more energy to put into the process, we’ll get results faster. We’ll be happier, and we’ll attract even more incredible things to us because of the frequency that we’re on.” -Emily Williams

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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