on creating a life you love

What Worked in 2020: Installment Two with Valerie Del Grosso


December 22, 2020

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As the year comes to a close, I hope you spend some time reflecting and celebrating how far you have come in 2020– I know it’s been a wild ride. If there’s one thing that this year has taught me, it’s that mindset is so important when it comes to basically every aspect of life. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, people have been out there doing big things. People are saying yes to their dreams. They’re taking risks and making leaps in the direction of their desires. They’re letting go of what no longer serves them and making more time and space for what lights them up. 

“It’s just this dream scenario now. And I thought I would have to compromise so much of that for the financial results, but actually focusing on the relationship and the way I want to feel in doing this work has brought so much abundance.” -Valerie Del Grosso

Truthfully, I’ve been blown away by the transformations I’ve seen in the IHML Mastermind this year. I know this year has had it’s unforeseen challenges, but it’s been so inspiring to work alongside these amazing women who have completely changed their lives and businesses in 2020. I’m truly in awe of these women and all they have accomplished. 

That’s why I’m delighted to share with you the second installment of this series reviewing what worked for some of our lovely Mastermind students. Today, I invited Val Del Grosso to come on the show and not only share her 2020 transformation, but reveal the exact mindset shifts that helped make it possible. I invite you to not only listen to Val’s incredible story, but to consider how you too can make similar mindset shifts for the benefit of your life and business in the new year. 

Val is a lawyer who, like many business owners out there, expanded her business online in 2020. What makes her stand out is that she nearly doubled her business (and brought in 20k months) by spending only 10 to 12 hours on her online business each month. Even better? She got these incredible results without having to double her efforts (or run herself into the ground). 

Click Here to Download our New Year’s Guide!

So listen as Val reveals the shifts she made in her mindset and how taking the leap to join the Mastermind helped bring clarity around how to get the results she knew she wanted. We talk about everything from setting up the right offers to how showing up authentically with your clients. Val even gives us a glimpse of how these shifts in her business have led not only to financial success, but more alignment and happiness in her life. 

So, I invite you to listen along and begin thinking about how you can implement similar shifts in your life and business in the new year and beyond. And if you are feeling inspired by Valerie’s amazing transformation in 2020 (I mean, who wouldn’t be!?)  and want to know if our IHML Mastermind can help support you too, head over to our website to see how we can help you in the new year.

In this episode… 

[02:58] Welcome, Val! Hear about the work she does as a lawyer. 

[04:15] Hear about some of the shifts she made in her online business this year. 

[05:44] What were her goals for her business this year? (and how she found clarity)

[06:50] Hear how she achieved her goals with just 12 hours a month! 

[08:36] What were the game changers for her? 

[10:12] Why you can stop guessing what your clients want. 

[10:57] You don’t have to compromise your dream (or happiness) for financial success. 

[15:22] Listen as Valarie reveals one of her big realizations this year. 

[16:15] Hear how leaning into her constraints helped guide her success. 

[17:48] “You don’t need thousands of clients to make a really great income.”

[19:00] Hear Val’s advice to people looking to transform their life going into 2021.

[21:06] What’s coming up for Val in 2021? 

Links & Resources: 

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Connect with Val:

Del Grosso Law Website 

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind


“I knew I had something good and didn’t want to just abandon it. And so the Mastermind was a place where I could come to talk to people about what exactly was possible through the example that other people were setting in their own businesses. So that was kind of right at the start of the year– I had something, but I wasn’t exactly sure what it was or what it could be.” -Valerie Del Grosso

“How often are we guessing when we could just ask people what it is that they want from us? And people are telling us that on a regular basis, if we’re willing to listen as well. There’s always clues in terms of their questions.” -Emily Williams 

“It’s not about the dollars in the bank. It’s really about the life that you’re creating and allowing yourself to have freedom and to have choice and everyone’s version of success looks different.” -Emily Williams 

“It’s just this dream scenario now. And I thought I would have to compromise so much of that for the financial results, but actually focusing on the relationship and the way I want to feel in doing this work has brought so much abundance.”  -Valerie Del Grosso



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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