on creating a life you love

Why Slowing Down to Speed Up Equals More Success with Dr. Greg Wells


December 17, 2020

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Let’s be honest here, when’s the last time you stepped away from work? (Like, really stepped away). If you find yourself easily caught up in the hustle and bustle of running your own business, doing all the things, and just life in general, you are definitely not alone. In fact, so many of us (especially those of us who are achievement-driven workaholics) have been programmed to equate hard work with success. Over the past year, I’ve learned a lot about the many other factors that are necessary not only for success but for the lasting success and continued growth we’re striving for. 

“It doesn’t matter where you start, you just have to start and we want to be doing micro-changes consistently. The idea of being 1% better every single day compounds over time. And then you won’t even recognize yourself in a year if you’re able to do that.” –Dr. Greg Wells

Don’t get me wrong, hard work is an essential component for anyone looking to build and scale the business of their dreams. But what I’ve learned, with the help of amazing people like Dr. Greg Wells, is that things like a good night’s sleep, taking care of my health, slowing down (so I can actually speed up) are essential to opening the doors for the transformation I’m after.  

I want you to achieve the transformation you are seeking, too. So, I’m excited to bring the incredible Dr. Greg on the show to share why resting, refocusing, and recharging are just as important to your success as hard work (I know, it took me a second to wrap my head around that too). He brings an abundance of knowledge and insightful personal experience to this episode that I hope will inspire you as much as it did me. 

If you’re feeling at all skeptical, I invite you to listen as Dr. Greg dives into the science behind how the brain works and how changing your state of mind enables you to unlock elevated levels of your potential. He explains the benefits of surrounding yourself with nature (even if it’s on your screensaver!), the importance of taking time away from work (vacation anyone?), and the benefits of unplugging from technology. He even shares his 1-2-3 rule that can help you slow down and step away from work (and reveal the benefits of delegation and automation in life and business). I’m telling you, there’s so much information in this episode that can seriously change your life. 

While we touch upon how rearranging our priorities and slowing down has opened the doors for better health, more happiness, and increased success in our own lives, I want to to pay close attention to how you can work to achieve those results for yourself too (Hint: It starts by committing to making a 1% change). It might involve letting go of external validation and judgment. It might involve a small shift in mindset. Whatever it is, remember that there is no time like the present. I encourage you to listen to this episode and pick one thing to take action on starting today. You’ll be surprised how much one small change will compound over time and lead to BIG results. 

In this episode… 

[03:57] Welcome to the show, Greg!

[06:38] Learn more about Dr. Greg Wells and what lead him here. 

[09:01] Understanding the “why” behind slowing down and recharging. (Hear the science!)

[12:32] Dr. Greg Wells shares a (cool!) example from his own life.

[15:21] Learn how different physical states impact the way the mind works. 

[17:27] The benefits of nature on our bodies and minds. 

[19:48] Small things you can do to positively impact your mind and body. 

[21:08] Hear the 1-2-3 rule for taking time off (and away from technology).

[24:24] The benefits of taking time off (and how it can help your business grow).

[27:51] The benefits in our personal lives. 

[28:29] What we can learn from the pandemic. 

[32:25] The importance of recharging. 

[33:16] Dr. Greg’s advice on how to start making the 1% change in your life. 

[35:57] Learn how you will achieve more by doing less. 

[38:36] Hear Dr. Greg Wells’ advice for creating a life better than your dreams. 

[40:30] Why you need to let go of external judgment and validation.

[43:38] Learn how to connect with Dr. Greg! 

Links & Resources: 

Recommendations from Dr. Greg Wells:

Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson

Rest, Refocus, Recharge by Dr. Greg Wells

The ViiVio app 

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Connect with Dr. Greg Wells:

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind


“Sometimes I think we overestimate how important we are when in fact other people in our teams and our communities can do some of the things that we think only we can do. And in fact, are begging for the opportunity and the growth that comes along with taking on some of those opportunities.” -Dr. Greg Wells

“Gone are the days where people want to be working those crazy hours and they are starting to understand what the effects are on their health. And that there won’t be a business if they keep operating in this way and there won’t be a movement and they won’t have the impact and the legacy.” -Emily Williams

“It doesn’t matter where you start, you just have to start and we want to be doing micro-changes consistently. The idea of being 1% better every single day compounds over time. And then you won’t even recognize yourself in a year if you’re able to do that.” -Dr. Greg Wells 

“So when we do stop doing things, we simplify our lives. We open up time and space that gives us the opportunity to either drop in new, interesting things or new interesting people that elevate us.” -Dr. Greg Wells



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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