3 Ways I Used Blowdrys To Transform My Money Mindset


April 2, 2018

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Hi Lovely,

Last week I recorded a Facebook LIVE that I’d love for you to check out…

Click here to watch the video.

Although you may think it’s all about my hair and blowdrys, it’s actually about money mindset…

In the video, I share that once a week, I get my hair done.

(Stick with me — I promise there’s a point!)

Now you may be thinking one of a few things…

For example:

That’s excessive…

That’s awesome — I wish I could do that…

I wonder what that costs…

So today, I wanted to dive into the three reasons I made this decision last year because when you get this, it will transform your money mindset, bank account and life which is kinda a big deal!

Ok, let’s dive in…

1. Financial ROI.

When I try to curl my hair myself, it takes a good hour and rarely turns out the way I want it to. So it ends up stressing me out and draining me instead of the opposite. So I made a decision that my time is far better spent working on the computer answering emails, responding to client questions in the Facebook groups, talking to my team — whatever it may be in the business – while someone else does my hair.

Maybe for you, hair isn’t your thing, but you really need people to help you clean the house, watch your kids for an extra hour per week or help in your business. (I know I waited far too long to ask for that!) Just think about it like this – money-wise you can make much more working for an hour in your business than you pay for someone to watch the kids, clean the house or do your hair. (And, let’s be real — your purpose is not to clean toilets.)

Now, lovely, you may be thinking that may be a difficult shift to make so stick with me…

You can start where you are today — when I started my business, we had someone clean the house once a month and checked in with how that felt. (#lifechanging). Then we moved up to every other week, and now it’s once a week and we’re looking for even more help.

Think about the ROI. I pay someone £35/$40 to do my hair — and my hourly rate is far more than that. It’s worth every penny. (This is a shift in money mindset – if you’re looking to transform your money mindset, check out my I Heart Money LIVE program. I can help you.)

2. It makes me feel good and is a form of self-love.

Enough said? Ok, I’ll say more. When we feel good, we attract more of the good stuff — the money, the clients, the friendships, opportunities — the works!

Why not do something that feels good and is just for you today? Take that bath, buy yourself the flowers, invest in the program. You get to decide.

3. I feel more confident when I have my hair done.

Whether that’s right or wrong, that’s the reality, lovely. And as an introvert doing the work that I do in the world, that’s important to me and paramount to my success. When I’m more confident, I can serve you to a greater degree and get my message across and, I believe, have even more of an impact. I put myself out there more and that means more money in the bank, more incredible clients and more doors opening (book deals, media, partnerships!).

All of this is money mindset work I do with my clients, and once you transform and flip the switch on your thinking (even if it’s on things as simple as blowdrys!), you’ll see that evidence of how important this work is and you’ll be blown away!

That brings me to one other thing that I felt called to share with you today…

Over the past few years, a few members of the IHML Community have requested that I be more real in my videos. They want me to stop worrying about my “perfect brand” and get down to earth and raw.

And I get it. You want to be able to connect (and so do I), and we both know perfect is unrelatable. So I’m aiming to give you more behind the scenes videos every week via social media. (Woo hoo!)

But I want you to hear me when I say that I’m not aiming for perfect, and we have to remember that everyone has their own version of real.

The truth is, I love my brand. I love beauty, and I try to be as real and honest as I can, and I’m sure that as I continue on this journey, I’ll open up even more.

But from my perspective, as someone who has brought my community along for my highs and lows the past four years, I’m real. This is it. And this is me. Take it or leave it.

And finally, if you’re judging me or anyone else today, I ask you to remember that we’re all doing our best. Most of us are already super hard on ourselves. We don’t need others judging us too.

Thanks for listening and for your amazing support, lovely.

Sending love to you today!

Lots of love,


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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.


We believe that life's too short to be subtle, that everything you want wants you back and in elevating your everyday, whatever that means to you. This is the I Heart My Life Show.