on creating a life you love

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity – Part 5


March 9, 2021

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When’s the last time you followed your gut instinct or let your intuition guide your decisions? What if I told you that following that feeling and embracing originality would open the door to your innate genius powers? (Because it would). Join me for part five of this six-part series as I dive into chapters 13 and 14 of Ponder’s incredible book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, and reveal how you can start tapping into those genius powers today. 

“One positive statement of good is more powerful than a thousand negative thoughts, and two positive statements of good are more powerful than 10,000 negative thoughts.” -Catherine Ponder

This episode focuses on the Prosperity Law of Self-Confidence and the influence of your intuition on your prosperity. Truthfully, I loved these chapters because I know that I wouldn’t be here running I Heart My Life today if I hadn’t taken the leap of faith and followed my intuition with confidence. I also know the challenges of showing up with unwavering confidence and bravely following our intuition (and, often, into the unknown). That’s why I’m excited to invite you to listen to this episode filled with insight that could literally change your life. 

While it may seem obvious that there is a link between confidence and success, the good news is that we are all born confident and, with a shift in thought and action, we can return to that confidence as adults. This episode is filled with examples of how you can step into your confidence every day (even while you sleep). From reciting affirmations to practicing visualization, I walk you through some of Ponder’s pieces of advice for building your confidence. 

But confidence is only a piece of the puzzle. I also dive into the power of intuition and creative imagination, revealing how you can utilize both as superpowers to help get the clarity that you’re craving and, ultimately, help lead you down a more prosperous path. To help you understand how to do that, I share five simple steps you can start utilizing today to develop and use your intuition to help you achieve your big goals and desires. 

While we’re often taught to be rational, in this episode, I invite you to stop denying your gut instincts and instead follow them. No prosperity will come from denying what you are feeling and what you are desiring. In fact, I explore Ponder’s thoughts regarding originality and how following your intuition allows you to tap into your innate genius powers. 

Now, I recognize that there are so many factors that influence us daily, causing us to question or ignore our intuition, right? But that’s why I take time in this episode to discuss how important it is to practice and learn to trust our intuition. Intuition and fear can frequently be confused for one another. Again, practicing with your intuition can help you make that distinction and move forward with confidence.

Lastly, don’t miss as I reveal five simple steps you can take to help unfold and reveal your intuition.  The truth is, our intuition can go against common reasoning at times, but you have to trust that your intuition knows you and is guiding you down the right path and toward something more significant. As Ponder explains, the genius and successful people of the world follow their self-confidence and intuition without question. So why can’t you? (Hint: You can and you should). 

P.S. Listen to hear your opportunity to save 15% on my signature I Heart Money course with the special promo just for podcast listeners. This is the course for you whether you are looking to transform your money mindset or make more money in your business. There is so much inside this course that can help you guide yourself, your team, or even your clients to creating more wealth. You deserve to live a life of abundance. You deserve to be fully satisfied. You deserve to be fulfilled. And that’s what I Heart Money is all about. 

In this episode… 

[03:07] Chapter 13: The Prosperity Law of Self-Confidence (and how to build confidence in your sleep). 

[06:10] Developing your confidence through affirmations and imaging.  

[13:00] Using your confidence to call forth the good in others (and how it benefits you both). 

[18:00] Chapter 14: Your genius powers for prosperity (understanding your intuition).

[21:42] How embracing originality opens the door to your innate genius powers. 

[24:49] Why you should (and how you can) develop your intuition and not confuse it with fear. 

[27:28] True accomplishment comes from daring to be different. 

[30:20] How to open the door to intuition in 5 simple steps. 

[34:52] Your intuition is ahead of you and is paving you a path toward your desires. 

[37:35] Understanding your genius power of creative imagination (and how it can free you of negative thoughts holding you down). 

[42:22] Why silence is necessary to listen to your inner promptings. 


“One positive statement of good is more powerful than a thousand negative thoughts, and two positive statements of good are more powerful than 10,000 negative thoughts.” -Catherine Ponder

“Affirmations for yourself do not hypnotize you. Instead, they de-hypnotize you from thoughts of failure, which you have been habitually accepting before you realize the power of thoughts.” -Catherine Ponder

“You are equipped with genius powers. You are born with powers of the mind that are little recognized and little-used because our attention is regularly turned to the outer world of activities. We do not hear or heed the guidance of intuition.” -Catherine Ponder

“We need to actually get quiet to be able to hear our intuition. And I really think it comes down to you practicing and listening to your intuition because it’s all about trust. If you trust yourself, even if your intuition is telling you something that sounds crazy, and if you’ve practiced and seen the results of trusting your intuition, then you don’t doubt it.” -Emily Williams 

 “Through the help of divine intuition, all things are already at hand and ready to come forth as ideas, plans, methods of procedure and, in due time, happy results.” -Catherine Ponder

Links & Resources: 

Podcast Episode 176: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 1

Podcast Episode 178: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 2

Podcast Episode 180: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 3

Podcast Episode 182: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 4

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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