

Investing in Your Dreams

I remember being so excited to start I Heart My Life back in September 2013, for various reasons…

I was so lit up by being able to support other women in making their dreams come true, and I was thrilled at the prospect of having the ability to make so much more money per year than I was making at my 9-5 job and pictured myself as finally being debt-free for the first time in years.

(You see, moving to London in 2010 and converting my US Dollar student loan into British Pounds meant that my money was basically cut in half so it wasn’t enough to live off of. And as a student, I wasn’t allowed to work full time. Hence massive debt.)

I believed that I’d have really low overheads with IHML and not have to worry about putting anything on a credit card or taking out a business loan to fund my dreams.

But as I moved forward with my company, the reality of that actually looked a bit different.

When I first started taking on clients in July 2014, I was in the mindset of the stubborn little girl who wasn’t willing to get help or support because she wanted to “do it herself” and not accumulate more debt.

After 54 “no’s” from clients who didn’t want to work with me, I finally woke up and realized that it was really not so smart to be living with that mindset (and would most like deter my success). I started to see that mediocre women have low overheads, play it safe, and don’t get expert support, but that wasn’t the type of coach I wanted to be.

For that reason, I signed up for a training program and a 90 day package with a high-level coach. Both had to go on my credit card at the time because I didn’t have that money in my account, but I knew that that was a smarter decision than wasting months or even years playing a business guessing game (which would probably lead to throwing throwing money out the window if I was being honest and a massive headache).

Logically, that made sense to me and still does, but I know for a lot of you, the use of credit cards and loans to fund your dreams really freaks you out.

So let me ask you…

What’s your own belief around credit cards and debt? And if you run a business, what’s your belief around them in your business? And who taught you those beliefs?

I’ll give you a second to answer…

If you’re anything like most of the women I speak to on a weekly basis, you have a lot of fear around investing in yourself and your business unless you have the money physically in your bank account or hidden under your mattress.

Trust me, I totally get that.

You may already be in debt and have a fear of taking on more.

I get that too.

I made myself wrong for my debt for years even though I had accumulated it because I followed my dreams to London and invested in my education. I was really focused on it and beat myself up for it.

However, the reality is that most of the time, those of us who want to become entrepreneurs or make a huge change in our lives (i.e. move to London or start a business) are looking to do something different or to get out of the 9-5 job to share our unique talents with the world and make more money.

So at least in my situation, I didn’t have the money just laying around to start my business, and I refused to put my dreams on hold until I did.

To be completely transparent with you and really hone this in, I know I would not be where I am today – with 6-figures in sales, with waiting lists on two of my programs, traveling the world this year and working from my computer (i.e. my dream) – if I hadn’t put those first two programs on my credit card and looked at that $12,500 charge as an investment in my business and the life that I really wanted.

So many of us spend thousands on education between ages 4-22, so why is adulthood any different?!

And if you think about it this way, if you were buying a car or a house you wouldn’t hesitate to take out a loan or pay in instalments would you?

That’s just the reality.

So why is starting a business or going for your dreams any different?! It’s just as big of an investment (if not bigger)!

What I’m trying to say is that if you’re putting your dreams on hold due to lack of funds under the mattress, step outside the box and realize that there are options for you.

There are government and organizational loans for new business owners, there are family members who will loan you the money for a few months, and there are interest free credit cards out there for you to use to fund your dreams.

You don’t have to wait until you have $10,000 just laying around to start.

For me, I’m grateful that I had access to credit cards. Because I chose to focus on my dream instead of my debt, I made that money back in my business within a month and paid of the rest of my debt as well.

I know for a fact that none of my success would have happened had I not invested in my dreams and sought out expert support.

Now I’m about to move into my dream apartment in London, have been asked to be a part of an incredible, exclusive year-long program with my mentor who is the best in the coaching world, and I’m moving full speed ahead in my business and in building a brand.

I know, I know, you wonder if it’s possible for you too.

Trust me, it is.

This week I want you to really unabashedly go for it. It’s time.

P.S. Are you looking to go deeper with this and finally invest in getting the success you’re longing for? Check out my one on one coaching programs available to you today!

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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