My Cure For Your Comparison Hangover


September 12, 2016

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Recently, I had four incredible past clients of mine – Kim, Jamie, Lynne and Alexandra – join me for my weekly call with my current I Heart Coaching ladies, which was really exciting for me! (I absolutely love keeping up with my former clients and seeing the amazing things they’re up to in their lives and businesses.)

They’d each agreed to share a few words of inspiration and lessons learned from their own journeys – and honestly, what they shared was so powerful that it reminded me of an important lesson that I knew I must share with my whole community…

You see, something I hear often from many entrepreneurial women – ones who’re working super hard on building their businesses and pursuing their dreams – is that they feel like things just aren’t happening as quickly for them as they are for someone else. They get caught in the comparison trap, which leads to them being way too hard on themselves and ending up stuck with a big ol’ comparison hangover.

Maybe you can relate, lovely.

We both know that that whole scenario doesn’t serve you or your success.

Believe me, I know what it’s like to want everything to happen in your biz like, yesterday, and how tempting it is to compare your progress to everyone around you, but ultimately, that comparison mindset will only hinder your progress.

Something that several of my guests shared on the call was that in hindsight, they wouldn’t have been so hard on themselves, spent so much time and energy trying to make everything perfect or let themselves go to that dark place of constantly comparing themselves to others.

Essentially, there was a theme among what each person shared on the call, which is exactly what I knew I had to share with you today: Everyone has their own unique journey and pace, and there’s no need to make yourself wrong for not going as “quickly” as someone else.

As Alexandra so brilliantly stated on the call, “everything happens and will happen in the time that it’s meant to. Wherever you are, trust where you are, trust in your own abilities and trust your own journey.”

Now, this concept is not necessarily about being patient – after all, most entrepreneurs loathe the “p” word (in fact, I’m not exactly known to be the most patient person when it comes to my own biz – I like fast results as much as the next gal!). But it is about recognizing that your journey is just that – your own special, meaningful journey – and doing your best to embrace it each step of the way without judgement.

My husband James often says, “you can’t tell someone who’s ambitious not to be impatient, but you can help them focus on recognizing what they’ve done and how far they’ve come, as well as trusting that they’re on their way to what they want.”

And that’s my hope for you today, lovely – that this message will serve as a reminder for you to focus on the amazing things you’ve already done and how far you’ve come from where you were a day, week, month or year ago.

Do what it takes to remember those successes – make a list, put up post-it notes around your house, record voice memos about your small daily achievements – whatever it takes to keep your mind focused on your journey and your goals (instead of beating yourself up for not being where someone else is in their biz).

It’s time to cure that comparison hangover of yours!

Embrace your own journey, and allow yourself the space you need to learn, grow, and create. There’s a reason you’re right where you are in this moment.

And remember, everyone’s path is unique, and everyone’s journey is happening just as it should – and that includes yours, lovely!

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.


We believe that life's too short to be subtle, that everything you want wants you back and in elevating your everyday, whatever that means to you. This is the I Heart My Life Show.