

I Didn’t Know This Would Happen…

“I think you’d like this”. That was the email I got from my best friend in April 2013. It was the second moment my whole life changed course and the day I saw Marie Forleo’s website for the first time.

Until then, I didn’t know what was possible with coaching and didn’t realize that I didn’t need to wear pantsuits and travel from corporate office to corporate office carrying a three-ring binder to change the world. Marie showed me what was possible, and I’ll be forever grateful for that.

One year later I had my own website up and running. One year after that, I’d made $350k in my own business and my husband got to leave his job to join me as a coach. One year after that, surpassed 7-figures and then some.

Today, nearly four years later, the blessings are endless and I’m so grateful to do this work and to be able to show other women around the world what’s possible.

And the truth is, by me answering my calling (after discovering Marie’s site) so many other lives have been transformed.

Doors have been opened up and connections have been formed.

Dreams have been realized.

And the impact in just a few years has been nothing short of miraculous.

Impact like this…

This past week, the ladies in our IHML 2017 Mastermind got to attend Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Academy LIVE. As you may know, James and I are a part of Brendon’s high level mastermind. And as a bonus to our clients in this elite group, they got access to his 4-day event so they too could experience his teaching and operate on a whole new level.

I have to tell you, lovely, when I first started doing this work, I knew I wanted to impact the world and in particular the lives of women, but I had no idea that one of the “perks” would be introducing women to other amazing women and supporting them in forming lifelong bonds that probably wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

I didn’t know that by upleveling my own life and business, I’d be able to give them the chance to experience four days like this.

I didn’t know that by investing my own success, it would automatically take my clients to whole other level and open their eyes to a new world of being, doing, and living.

Just take a look at these ladies at the event this week…

You can just feel their positive energy and excitement in those photos can’t you?! They traveled from all across the US to be together and experience this.

(In addition to sending our clients to the event, we also sent two of our team members, Katie and Stacy. Again, another newfound joy for me is being able to positively affect the lives of our team members!)

My message for today?

It’s quite simple: Go for your dreams. Choose the road less travelled that leads to your dreams.

And remember, when you choose that path, you’re also choosing a path of impact.

You never know who’s watching or whose life you’re touching. You never know who’s sending your site or work to someone and with the simple phrase “I think you’d like this”, and in turn, is changing the course of their life forever. You never know the bonds that will form. You never know how many lives you living your dreams will touch.

Remember, it’s not just about you.

Your impact is there for the taking.

Go for it, lovely.

Here’s to you!

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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