What My #girlboss Horoscope Told Me


November 20, 2017

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The other day I got an email in my inbox from the Girlboss company. (Sophia Amoruso is a huge inspiration to me so I signed up for more info about her events awhile back. By the way, I’d love to speak at the Girlboss Rally in LA in March 2018 if anyone has a connection?!)

This particular subject line said: Your new moon horoscope is here—and it’ll make you feel GREAT

Although I’m not an avid reader of my horoscope, I’m always up for a bit of fun and something that’s going to make me feel “great” so I decided to open the email.

As I read through what it said under Libra, I found myself getting excited…

I read things like…

You are magnetic in this moment, and everything you want or need is already coming to you. It’s on its way like a package you ordered months ago and have almost forgotten about. And all you have to do is sign for it when it arrives.


There is no scarcity. There is no lack. Look around you and lust over what you’ve already created.

Literally after those few minutes of reading, I felt like I had didn’t have a care in the world.

It built my confidence and shifted my energy.

I felt like I could do anything.

I felt like the remaining weeks in 2017 were MINE.

Then it struck me.

Was there a part of me that didn’t believe that was the case before reading the horoscope?

And if so, what does that say about me?

I TEACH mindset.

I live and breathe personal development.

I believe that our thoughts and words create our reality.

So why wasn’t I able to do that for myself in that moment?

Why did it take an outside source for my confidence raise?

A horoscope for that matter!

Interesting, right?

Don’t worry – I didn’t beat myself up – instead I observed what had just happened. (I teach this practice in all of my programs.) And I reminded myself that I’m human. I’m always growing and upleveling and this was just a friendly reminder of how important mindset really is to achieving my dreams.

And it was also another example that we all need inspiration. We all need help. We aren’t meant to do this alone.

And neither are you, lovey.

I’m already seeing such huge shifts in my I Heart Money LIVE program due to the support my clients are receiving — just ONE week in.

Shifts in mindset…

Shifts in money…

Shifts in happiness…

Shifts in clarity…

Shifts in courage…

But even if you didn’t join us for that program, I’d really love to support you in reaching your goals and dreams as we close out 2017 and step into a new year.

And believe me, I have tons in store for you wherever you’re at.

I’m so grateful that you’re a part of this community.

Sending love to you this week!

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.


We believe that life's too short to be subtle, that everything you want wants you back and in elevating your everyday, whatever that means to you. This is the I Heart My Life Show.