

I Manifested A Week In This James Bond Chalet

Last week, I shared my interview with my friend Nicole Moore on the IHML Show.

One of the topics of conversation during our hour together was desires.

Nicole and I both have the dream of changing the world — and making a lot of money doing it so we, too, have the freedom to live a life better than our dreams.

We believe that what’s in our heart is meant for us, and trust me, we’ve done a lot of mindset work to get to that place.

In that episode of the IHML Show, my favorite quote that came out of Nicole’s mouth was this:

“I really feel like the desires are dropped in, and then they’re in their heart, and then we become aware of them. It’s our opportunity to fulfill them. What I say to my clients is, ‘Your desire is your future self telling you what’s coming. Your job is to follow that.’”

– Nicole Moore

Jaw drop.

Have you ever thought about it like that, lovely?

More often than not when it comes to our dreams and predicting what’s possible, we hear things (in our own mind or from others) such as “It’s too expensive”, “You can’t do it”, “You’re not worthy”, “Sign up next time”.

But what if you started to think of your desires in the way Nicole described above?

As meant for you. As literally dropped in. As possible.

(After all, there are plenty of things that don’t light you up that aren’t dropped in, and you’re totally fine ignoring those!)

How would your life change? What actions would you take? What would you experience? What impact would you have?

That takes me to the story I want to share with you today…

This week, James and I are doing something that’s totally a heartfelt dream. And believe me, it took some courage to follow it.

We’re headed to the French Alps to prep for our upcoming launch in solitude. We figured what better way to be creative and inspired than somewhere beautiful?! (Plus, I’m obsessed with snow and fireplaces, and that’s where I’m happiest.)

And we’re not just doing it anywhere; we’re doing it in the James Bond of the chalet world.

(It’s literally described as that on the website.)

Here’s how it happened…

About three weeks ago, I got the desire to spend at least a few days in a real-life snow globe so I started to research chalets in Europe.

I became obsessed, and I thought I’d make it a little more fun by practicing my manifesting skills at the same time.

I was open to how this would happen — as a gift, through a contest, via a sponsorship. (Note: That’s key to manifesting — being open to the “how”!)

Then I found the chalet.

(Hold your horses — pics are coming!)

But just like nearly every other desire I’ve had, it felt like a stretch. It felt scary. I started to doubt my desire. (Do you hear me?! I’m just like you when it comes to doubt.)

James and I talked about it for days.

But how could we do this? We just got back from tons of travelling. We had so much work to do. It was a chalet meant for like 10 people. Wouldn’t they think we were weird just hanging out there working for a week? I don’t even love to ski. How do we know if it’s really the right decision?

After going around and around, there was a point where we knew we had to just book it.

Fast-forward 10 days…

I’m looking at my bank account like I do every day (money mindset!), and I saw something strange…

An unexpected deposit.

The description said it was a tax refund, only we weren’t expecting one.

The other “weird” thing?

It was nearly the exact amount that we paid for the chalet.

So I emailed my old accountants. They asked me to tell them whether it actually did get deposited in a few days and even then, they thought it could be a refund meant for someone else. In other words, they thought it was a scam or mistake.

My response to that email?

I said, “No, I don’t think it’s a scam. I think it’s a money miracle”

(Try telling that to your own accountants!)

As I hope you can guess, the money was deposited. And on Friday, we got an official letter in the mail saying that we were in fact due a refund from our 2015 taxes.


Only a few hundred less than what we paid for the chalet.

Don’t you love how following your desires works, lovely?!

Oh and one more thing…

Here’s that sneak peek I promised…

I recently shared those photos on Instagram and got over 700 hearts at the time of writing this message.

Literally more response than ever before.

You know what that tells me lovely? People are craving a life that lights them up. One of choice. One of experiences.

And I knew, because of this response, I had to tell you the whole story.

The truth is, this experience has already been magical and a testament to what’s possible when you follow your heart — and we haven’t even gone yet!

And lovely, I want you to hear me loud and clear: You don’t have to live vicariously through me; in fact I beg you not to.

When you feel called to do something like move forward with your dreams, book the trip, sign up for a program, take the next step on your path to success, recognize that when your mind is saying those negative, limiting statements to you, you don’t have to believe it.

In fact, you can choose to believe the opposite.

And create your own chalet moment.

All you have to do is remember that you are not your mind. Your mind wants to keep you stuck and small, and although it’s perfectly natural because it likes to play it safe, that mindset won’t get you any closer to your dreams.

The truth is, sometimes we have to make decisions from where we want to be, not from where we currently are.

That type of action takes courage, but it’s so worth it.

Don’t let the doubt win. Doubt kills dreams.

Learn to trust yourself and you’ll start to see the magic appear in your own life.

And while I have you here, lovely, practice manifesting.

You can start with a small desire and build up from there. The key is to be open to the how and remember anything is possible!

To your dropped in desires and chalet moments!

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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