

8 Lessons I Learned From Completely Changing our Business

Recently, I was thinking about our transition from one year to the next as female entrepreneurs.

I don’t know about you, but this year has been all about growth and frankly, it’s been painful growth at times.

Whether you know it or not, our entire business has changed.

We’re phasing out all of our live programs except our brand new Millionaire Club to focus on helping women like you scale to 7-figures.

Personally things are shifting too. We’re moving to the United States next year from London which will be a huge change.

The internal structure of our business has also changed, and we’re bringing on more support to serve you.

James and I are shifting into our true, desired roles.

I’m not kidding you, Lovely, pretty much everything has changed at once.

You know those people who say they blew up their business?

Well, that’s not exactly how I’d describe it, but for the past year, I’ve felt like I’ve been simultaneously driving and holding onto a huge ship that’s trying to turn.

The one thing I know is that growth is necessary, and that sometimes we’re forced into learning lessons we didn’t necessarily want to learn or didn’t feel we were actually ready for.

Ring a bell?

But I believe everything happens for us, and it’s up to us to learn from those lessons and show up differently, more knowledgeable and empowered from one year to the next. (Otherwise, what was the point?!)

For that reason, I wanted to hop into your inbox and share my biggest lessons from 2018.

Lessons that will save you time and money and catapult your success in 2019.

(After all, I also believe we can learn from other people’s lessons, and I know that everything that happens for me, also happens for you!)

Since there are eight Mondays left in 2018, I’ll be sharing one lesson each week with you.

Read this blog post and think about how this pertains to your year ahead. Journal about it. Have a conversation with someone who is also on a growth trajectory. Set goals based on what I teach you. Reply to this email and let me know how you’re going to take action.

Ready? Let’s do this…

Lesson #1: If you’re not in alignment, get in alignment!

One of the worst pieces of advice that I heard earlier this year was “stay the path”. I can’t even remember who told me that, but what I do know is that it doesn’t work for me.

You see, I’m a strong businesswoman, but I’m also heart-centered. And at this point in our 7-figure company, since I’m still in the CEO role and the Lead Coach, my heart has to be in whatever it is we’re doing.

But for so long, I felt out of alignment. I felt like I was just doing the same thing over and over.

And of course there is some merit in that — I’m not saying continuously go from one thing to the next without truly understanding what works for you — but I am saying that money and happiness will follow when you truly feel in alignment.

Maybe you’re like me in that achievement hasn’t been your problem this year — but you’ve felt out of alignment.

You’ve wondered if this is it.

You’ve questioned whether you’re actually helping your ideal client or if somewhere along the journey, you got lost or tried to fit yourself into some sort of mold.

I know it’s scary. Especially when something is “working”. Why would you change directions?

Lovely, hear me when I say, you don’t want it to just be “working”, you want to be thriving and that requires your heart being in what it is you’re focused on.

You deserve to be lit up by the work you’re doing in the world.

And if you’re not sure what lights you up, please take some time to figure that out over the next few weeks.

(And by the way, I believe we all know this answer, but not everyone is brave enough to bring it to the surface. Be brave!)

One of the ways I help my clients get into alignment is by asking them one simple question:

If you were to speak on stage tomorrow, what would you talk about?

That inevitably gets a quick response; normally a one-word response.


You get to choose! People want to hear what you have to say, Lovely. But your heart has to be in it for them to feel it.

Make sense?

So what’s 2019 about for you? How are you going to get in alignment? What’s been calling you that you can no longer deny?

We get this one life. Why even have a business if you’re not actually doing what you love?

Just sayin’…

Give in to alignment.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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