

How Sharing Your Story Can Increase Your Influence

Vogue Magazine and Coffee

This is really important… 

Our story and how we tell that story are two of the most powerful tools we have when it comes to influencing others and leaving our legacy behind. 

As my friend and client AND the incredibly talented and inspiring speaker and coach, Tricia Brouk, puts it, every story is meant to be told. Every story has a powerful impact. 

And yes, that includes yours.

I recently caught up with Tricia on an episode of the I Heart My Life Show and let me tell you, it was one powerful conversation. 

Not only does Tricia have an impressive background in dancing, directing, writing, and producing, but a few years ago she dared to pave her own path in the coaching space. Today, she runs a successful coaching platform where she helps remarkable speakers from all over the globe successfully share their stories to positively influence others. 

The best part? She believes in your story too.

Tricia believes that when we share our personal stories and the powerful messages they communicate, we can make a difference in the lives of others. With our stories, we can truly be influential (and leave our legacy behind). 

I couldn’t agree more. 

Maybe you dream of writing your story in a book or blog. Maybe you desire to speak on a podcast or on a stage. 

Or maybe you’re simply not sure where to begin or question if your story is even worth sharing (Hint: it is). 

So, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite takeaways from our conversation that can help you be on your way to amplifying your influential voice today, whatever that may look like for you…

? You don’t need to experience tragedy to be able to share an influential message. 

While overcoming adversity is most certainly inspiring, it’s not a must-have to influence others. It’s about leadership and sharing your message with others that can change the way they think or act about others, themselves, or the world around them. 

Influence is rooted in having the courage to speak up and be a guide for those who are not yet brave enough to do so. At the end of the day, it’s about putting yourself out there to be the voice for a shared experience, showing others that they are not alone and paving a path others can follow. 

? To truly be influential, you have to tell your story in a way that serves others

Regardless of if your story is one of tragedy or triumph, it’s important to share your story in a way that can serve others. That’s why you have to present it in such a way that they can learn and grow from it, not from a place of ego. 

Now, this means that if your story is rooted in trauma, you must wait until the wound is healed before you share it. That way you can use your story to help others heal. The bottom line? Your story can serve others when you create a sense of unity and guidance. 

? Feeling stuck? Start by thinking of the moments (and people) that impacted your life. 

  1. This is literally the process Tricia used to write her book. Start with ways others have inspired you. Who were the influential voices in your life? How did they impact you? Consider defining moments in your life. What was the lesson you learned? 
  2. Then, ask yourself, “How can I tell that story (and reveal the lesson) in a way that would entertain and inspire others?” Once you organize that content in a way that can translate over to the lives of others, you’ll be on your way to packaging your influential story. 

? Remember, you’re capable of more than you think.  

Tricia never imagined a book would be in her future. She never planned on being a coach. But once she set her mind to it, she committed her vision of using her experience and expertise to help and inspire others. Guess what? that’s exactly what she’s doing. 

So, when it comes to delivering your story, think about how you can help as many people as possible by giving them the most information you can. And then commit to taking action to bring it to life. That,  is how you can become an influential voice.  

There’s one more thing I wanted to mention and it might be why you’ve been on the fence about sharing your story…

It takes a level of vulnerability to serve others in a deeper, more impactful way. It will help you better connect with and serve your audience in a more meaningful and impactful way. 

The thing is, you don’t have to start by revealing your deepest darkest secrets.

But we have to share our stories if we want to have that impact and leave that legacy. 

You can start with sharing something simple. (That’s what I did).  Start with just one aspect of your story that you feel is most important to your cause.

You do have something to share that’s of value. We all do.

(And you’ll be surprised by how quickly your influence will grow and what it can turn into). 

So, how are you going to commit to yourself and start sharing your story today? 

P.S. Tricia has so much insight to offer in the realm of being influential and leaving your legacy. Our conversation (listen here) only scratches the surface. Pre-order her new book The Influential Voice today to access special bonuses and get ready to fully immerse yourself into the idea of the power of your voice and the influence your story can have on others. 

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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