A new year is an opportunity for a fresh start, right? It’s an incredible way to put the past behind us and move forward with a clean slate. However, before moving forward, I believe it’s so important to reflect on our challenges and celebrate our growth over the past 365 days to help us kick off the new year feeling resilient, powerful, and proud.
I’d be willing to bet that 2020 did not unfold the way you had planned (am I right?). Now, I’m sure we’re all hoping the new year brings opportunities to travel, be with loved ones, get back to some sense of normalcy– but we shouldn’t deny what 2020 has graced us with. While 2020 certainly introduced us to new challenges, it also brought new opportunities for growth and invitations for success. We have to acknowledge these lessons and find closure in this year before we can courageously jump into the next.
“You wouldn’t be aware of the desire unless you were energetically aligned to it. So that’s what’s going on here when you have a desire. And then in the process of getting the desire, you become the person who’s able to have it.” – Emily Williams
Now, I want you to know that I want the best for you in 2021 (and beyond), but I know that it is not as easy as wishing dreams into existence. So, I recorded this episode with the hope of inspiring you to set yourself up to achieve your dreams in the new year. I want you, my friend, to jump into 2021 fueled by your achievements (and lessons learned from challenges) this past year. I want you to find clarity around your intentions and desires for what’s ahead. I want you to prepare to take action in the direction of your dreams. I want you to do the thing you dream of.
Click Here to Download our New Year’s Guide!
Join me as I lead you through the important things to think about as you close out this year and prepare for the next. I invite you to listen as I walk through the three-step process that will help set yourself up for success. I wanted to talk about the importance of reflection (including questions you can ask yourself today to get started) as a way of finding closure. I share ways you can find clarity around and move into what it is you want to create for 2021– yes, I’m talking about listening to your desires and setting those intentions, my friend (in both business and life in general). Lastly, I invite you to move forward by aligning your desires with actions. I invite you to commit to your transformation.
At IHML, we want you to feel supported as you reflect on this past year and prepare for all that is to come in 2021. We want you to feel ready to fully step into what is possible for you. So, be sure to listen to this episode (and don’t forget to grab our free New Year’s Guide) as you prepare for your best year yet.
In this episode…
[02:34] Freebie alert! Supporting you heading into the new year.
[03:19] The importance of reflection.
[04:54] Dealing with challenges.
[06:41] What worked for you?
[08:59] Questions to help you get closure with 2020.
[10:07] Looking at the new year as a fresh start.
[11:16] What are your intentions and desires for the year to come?
[14:55] Who do you need to be to reach these goals?
[15:58] How are you going to hold yourself accountable? Are you going to show up?
[17:57] Commit to taking action.
[19:56] Be patient with yourself and trust in your dream.
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Episode Sponsor: Six Figures Masterclass
“This is what successful people do: They don’t let challenges derail them. They’re like, okay, great. So there’s a lesson here, bring it. I can totally handle it. I’m going to pivot. I’m going to transform. We’re going to do better next time. And we’re going to grow stronger throughout this challenge.” -Emily Williams
“You wouldn’t be aware of the desire unless you were energetically aligned to it. So that’s what’s going on here when you have a desire. And then in the process of getting the desire, you become the person who’s able to have it.” -Emily Williams
“You have to be aware of what it’s going to take to reach these goals. And that’s where I see a lot of people going wrong. I don’t want you to just set out these goals or write out your desires. We need to be aware around [if] we actually want these things. And if so, are we willing to put in the effort?” -Emily Williams
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