on creating a life you love

Instant Results (and How She Got Them): Client Success Story with Tricia Brouk


May 23, 2023

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Do you want to invest in yourself by working with a coach or mentor or participate in a group mastermind (or another group container)? And are you wondering how to get results with your coach?

Or are you a coach or consultant yourself who wants to teach her clients to know how to best utilize coaching?

Either way, this episode is for you…and get ready to be inspired!

In this episode, I interviewed Producer, Director, Speaking Coach, and Author Tricia Brouk, who shares her experience working with James and me for three years.

Trust me…she didn’t go into our coaching relationship thinking she’d be with us for three years…

In fact, Tricia initially thought it was craaazzzyyy to spend $15,000 on a VIP day with two strangers, but on this epsiode, she explains how she moved past that fear and judgment and decided to fly 6,000 miles roundtrip to work with us in LA. And invest with us for three years!

As you listen (or watch), you’ll see that Tricia received achieved instant results in her business, in particular, making back her entire (second) investment of $85,000 within the first two months of working with James and me.

The. results. were. out. of. this. world. 🌍

Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t always the case with every single coaching client and on this episode, we share why people get tripped up in coaching programs and of course HOW you too, can get the most results with your coach.

(Or how to advise your clients to get results.)

If you’re ready to invest in yourself and take your business to the next level, this episode is for you.

As Tricia’s story demonstrates, the power of coaching and the importance of investing in yourself to achieve your goals cannot be overstated.

So, what are you waiting for? Tune in now to hear Tricia’s inspiring story, and you’ll also learn how you can achieve success with our help…

Knowing how to be coach inside of a coaching container is as important as what you’re learning from your coaches. – Tricia Brouk

In This Episode:

[02:37]Tricia’s VIP Day Experience.
Tricia shares her initial hesitation and ultimate decision to invest in a VIP day with Emily and James, and how she trusted her intuition to take the leap.

[06:27]Importance of Personal Responsibility.
Emily and James highlight Tricia’s willingness to take personal responsibility for her results, and how it was a key factor in her success.

[08:54]High-Performance Coaching Results.
Tricia discusses the specific results she achieved through her high-performance coaching with James, including optimizing her health and wellness and feeling younger and more vibrant at 52.

[10:44]Tricia’s mindset and openness to growth.
Tricia’s openness to change and growth is discussed, particularly in the context of being a high performer and the importance of having a student mindset.

[13:02]Tricia’s results from coaching.
Tricia discusses the results she achieved through coaching, including increased visibility, improved business offerings, and making back her investment in just two months.

[17:46]The importance of making a decision to invest in coaching.
The importance of making a decision to invest in coaching is highlighted, with Tricia discussing how making the decision to invest in herself changed everything and allowed her to receive abundance.

[19:37]Modeling Success.
Tricia discusses how Emily modeled a successful two-day masterclass for her, which became the model for her own business.

[20:34]Personal Responsibility and Investment.
James emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and intentionality when investing in coaching, and how it can lead to significant results.

[23:17]Desire for High Net Worth.
Tricia explains her desire to be a high net worth individual in order to give back, donate, and leave a legacy, and how coaching supports her in achieving this goal.

[28:59]The importance of personal responsibility.
James Wedmore talks about the importance of personal responsibility and how it is necessary to handle the ups and downs of a rollercoaster life.

[28:59]The value of coaching.
James Wedmore and Emily Williams discuss how coaching can help individuals navigate the rollercoaster of life and achieve their goals.

[30:15]Closing remarks.
Emily Williams thanks Tricia Brouk and the audience for watching and expresses excitement for those interested in riding the rollercoaster of life.

Links & Resources:

Want to work with Emily and James directly? Learn more and apply here

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Connect with Emily:

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Email: info@iheartmylife.com

Connect with James:

James Williams Website

James on Instagram

Connect with Tricia Brouk:

Check out Tricia’s new book The Influential Voice 

Visit Tricia’s Website 



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

Want more? Check out the I Heart My Life Book...

Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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