on creating a life you love

What I Learned About Success from Jessica Simpson’s New Book


March 3, 2020

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Okay, I’ll be honest, I never expected to love Jessica Simpson’s book this much. Yes, I’m a HUGE admirer of her work and I fell in love with her back in the day when she opened for a 98 Degrees concert. I was an avid watcher of Newlyweds. I was sad (well, maybe more on the edge of devastated and confused) when she and Nick broke up. And you better believe I was so excited to meet her a few weeks ago at a conference and receive her book at a book signing; but I never expected to literally devour this book.

This book is raw, open, real about what it took for her to create a life and a business she loves. She’s transparent about her body issues and everything she’s done to try to be a certain size (including surgery that almost killed her), and she, although not in a how-to sort of way, delivered so many secrets to success that I couldn’t keep track.

“Think about “what problem do you want to solve that has yet to be solved,” and that’s most likely your billion-dollar idea (as taken from Jaclyn Johnson quote) and inspiration from Jessica Simpson.”

-Emily Williams


In this episode, I’m sharing 8 of the success lessons that I discovered in Jessica Simpson’s new book, Open Book. (Including one of my favorite lessons that has to do with something that happened when she was a child that I believe changed her money mindset for the better (for the billions!). 

I was really looking for the key components of success that helped her not only create this billion-dollar brand, but have a beautiful relationship, a great family, and create the impact that she’s having right now in the world.

I had the pleasure of actually meeting Jessica at a recent conference. She was one of the keynote speakers and was there ahead of the conference to sign her book.

I’ve been a fan of Jessica since I was about 13 years old when I saw her open for 98 degrees in Columbus, Ohio. I’ve been following her journey as a singer, television personality, actress, and now as the owner of a billion-dollar brand. I’ve always admired her honesty and her ability to just be who she is.

This book has blown me away, and I haven’t been able to put it down because it’s so real, raw, and relatable.

My hope is that you do read the book. I wanted to share this with you because I think it’s essential that we look to people who have paved the way and inspired us, and really break down how they did what they did. I’m grateful that Jessica had the willingness, openness, and the confidence to put it out there in the world because it takes a lot of guts to write something like this.



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Tune into the I Heart My Life Show with Success Coach Emily Williams to learn how to design a life you love, manifest more success and wealth, move past fear and blocks and create joy in your life and business. Emily and her world-renowned guests will help you create a life that’s better than your dreams and give you tangible action steps to get there — quickly. She’ll cut through the fluff and share what’s worked for her and the world’s most successful people. She believes that success is an inside job — not just about another strategy. The I Heart My Life Show will help you finally heart your life, experience extraordinary success, make more money, live according to your own desires and give you permission to go after what you really want.


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Email: info@iheartmylife.com


More about Emily, her company I Heart My Life and her coaching programs can be found at www.iheartmylife.com.

Emily Williams is a success coach, entrepreneur, and author with a seven-figure business who, at one point, couldn’t get a job at Starbucks.

After experiencing a quarter-life crisis, she moved from Ohio to London (where she knew no one!) and in 2014 launched her business, I Heart My Life. She made $442 in her first month—and then went on to hit six figures in six months before her 30th birthday. She grew it to seven figures in under 18 months.

Today, she works with female entrepreneurs all over the world, helping them bust through the obstacles that hold their dreams and goals hostage so they can free themselves to live the lives they want, build their own online business and hit their money goals. She’s been featured in Money, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Forbes, and Success Magazine.



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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