Before we dive in, let’s take an honesty break: Do you have a habit of comparing yourself to your friends, peers or even people you don’t know? Do you feel like everyone has it “figured out” and that you’re the only one feeling down, confused, broke or lost?
Trust me, you’re NOT alone, and there’s a cure for your comparison hangover!
I know firsthand that the habit of comparing can get us into real trouble with ourselves, and it’s a HUGE waste of time and not based in reality. When we compare, we are merely seeing a glimpse of a life or a person. We also tend to see what we WANT to see, not the real picture. I used to compare myself to all my friends back in the US when I first moved to London. I was getting a Master’s degree and working part-time so I didn’t feel accomplished enough in my career and felt shame in the fact that I wasn’t a homeowner or making a certain amount of money.
A few years later, I realized the error of my ways when one of my “successful” friends admitted that she was envious of my life. (WHAT?!) She wondered what her life would be like if she had moved out of the country and followed her dreams as she was sick of her job and already wanted a bigger house. Needless to say, it was a huge surprise to hear her say that; I was blown away. It just goes to show that everyone has pangs of self-doubt and feels confused at times, and we’re more alike than different in our emotions and struggles.
So do you want to know the cure for your comparison hangover?
Focus on what’s going right in your life, not wrong. Whether it’s a trip you’re taking in a few weeks, some great feedback you received in school or at work or even that gorgeous cappuccino you were able to buy this morning – hold onto the positives. And remember, the grass is always greener where you water it so pour your energy into yourself, not into comparing. Do YOU!
As always, I’d love to hear from you! Did this topic resonate with you? Is this something you struggle with? And if you really want to master this and fall in love with your life, just click here to book a complimentary consultation!