on creating a life you love

How to Uplevel Your Team Communication – a Real Coaching Session with Jenelle Augustin


April 15, 2021

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Whether you’re looking to simplify your communications, be a more effective leader, or hit new revenue goals, this episode serves as a reminder that achieving your next-level goals in your business is possible. In this special hybrid episode, I sit down with inspiring I Heart My Life Mastermind member Jenelle Augustin. After selling her first e-commerce business after only 7 months, Jenelle realized her biggest struggles stemmed from not knowing the proper steps to take for her business to flourish. Her mistakes inspired her to create an incredible company that helps women successfully set up online boutique businesses.  

“Being that I am [future me], what would she do? And it really just closes the gap between [the two versions of myself] because from where I am now and where she is, the only thing in the middle is the action that I’ve yet to take. And so I began asking myself what would six-figure-Jenelle do? And I did those things.” -Jenelle Augustin

Since then, Jenelle has experienced exponential growth and is the first to say that joining the I Heart My Life Mastermind helped her level up. As much as we’ve supported her through the Mastermind, I give Jenelle a lot of credit. She’s made some unbelievable mindset shifts that have opened the doors of possibility in her business. I invite you to listen to our conversation as we talk about everything from how to successfully lead a remote team to how to step into your next-level visions before they happen (hint: this strategy helps them become a reality). 

The episode kicks off with a real coaching session where I guide Jenelle through her questions and concerns about effectively leading her remote team. I lead Jenelle through strategies she can implement to build more effective communication channels that increase camaraderie and clarity among a remote team. We talk about the importance of meetings and cutting back on unproductive chatter throughout the day. You can even listen as I explain the exact approach we take to monthly team meetings and weekly check-ins here at IHML. 

The truth is, Jenelle is already doing so many great things in her business. She shares the shifts she’s made over the past couple of years to help her go from struggling entrepreneur to six-figure success story. Even better? She shares some of her best tips for stepping into your next-level goals on this very episode. 

She’s been there. She knows that it starts with getting out of your own way and stepping outside your comfort zone to get what you want. She shares the mindset shift that helped her step into the next-level version of herself and biz. This is the very mindset that helped Jenelle go after her dreams and hit her 6-figure revenue goal. She’ll be the first one to tell you that the biggest thing standing between you and your dreams is yourself. Therefore, she encourages entrepreneurs to take action on their desires ASAP. 

I know Jenelle’s story and advice can resonate with entrepreneurs at any level. So, be sure to give this episode a listen. As you do, look for the takeaways that hit close to home for you and your journey. Remember, you are capable of big things too. 

P.S. Feeling inspired by Jenelle’s story and looking for support as you grow your business? If so, be sure to check out the I Heart My Life Mastermind. This is the very program Jenelle is thriving in. Book a call with us today to see if this is the next step you’ve been searching for. 

In this episode… 

[03:35] Welcome, Jenelle! Hear the inspiration behind her women-centered business. 

[05:46] Jenelle shares where she needs support in supporting a remote team. 

[07:20] The ROI of meetings (and why they’re important, even if you don’t like them).  

[10:44] Cutting down on the back and forth communications throughout the day. 

[13:44] Reducing the chatter and increasing clarity. 

[15:42] Jenelle reveals the shifts she’s made as a leader in her businesses.

[18:44] Jenelle’s secret to stepping into the next-level version of yourself and biz. 

[20:26] The mindset Jenelle adopted and how it helped her hit 6-figures. 

[22:52] Connect with Jenelle!


“Sometimes [as visionaries], we pivot really quickly, and we forget that it’s not just us in the company anymore. And so we need to let people know that this is actually happening.” -Emily Williams 

“Being that I am [future me], what would she do? And it really just closes the gap between [the two versions of myself] because from where I am now and where she is, the only thing in the middle is the action that I’ve yet to take. And so I began asking myself what would six-figure-Jenelle do? And I did those things.” -Jenelle Augustin

“We think it’s about another strategy or a marketing tactic. And you know, of course, those things are important, but often it’s all within us already. We just need to get out of our own way.” -Emily Williams 

“I had to stop agreeing with the things that made me feel safe because what I wanted is outside of my realm of safety. It’s not what I’ve ever experienced before. It’s not what anyone I personally know has experienced before. So I have to be the one who goes out and gets it.” -Jenelle Augustin

Links & Resources: 

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Connect with Jenelle: 

Start Your Boutique Website

Start Your Boutique on Instagram

Start Your Boutique on Pinterest 

Connect with Emily: 

I Heart My Life Website
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I Heart My Life on LinkedIn

Email: info@iheartmylife.com

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind



I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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Maybe you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure, and fulfillment each day.  You know that you're destined for more than your current reality, but you don't know how to make it happen. Our book will show you the way.

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