on creating a life you love

IVF Journey: Lessons in Surrender and Trust with Rachel Lee


May 2, 2023

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Are you struggling to take the leap and start your own business?

Do you find yourself held back by mindset blocks and fears, particularly around money and the lack of a safety net? 

Are you going through IVF or some sort of fertility struggle?

In this very eclectic episode of the I Heart My Life Show, I interview Rachel B. Lee, who was in a very different place and facing tons of difficult decisions about life and business just a few short years ago…

She’s a branding lady boss from Austin, Texas, who has been on an IVF journey for the last year which is something we also dive into.

​​(I told you this was eclectic!)

We cover:

  • Her journey as an entrepreneur and the mindset blocks and fears she had to overcome to leave her corporate job
  • The importance of clarity in roles and responsibilities in her business partnership (especially when you work with your spouse!)
  • How to acknowledge your fears instead of bypassing them
  • How to be open and honest about your mental health issues and ask for support
  • The real truth about IVF and what Rachel has experienced along the journey
  • And! Rachel shares her four-step process for building a personal brand

Ultimately, this episode is about trust in every sense of the word…

“Surrender trust…you just gotta let it let it ride take your hands off the steering wheel and just trust that it will all work out.”

Don’t miss out on this inspiring conversation. Tune in to the I Heart My Life Show and hear Rachel’s story of overcoming fears and challenges to create a life she loves.

(Oh, and I’m so happy to share that Rachel is expecting a baby girl this October!)

In This Episode:

[00:00] IVF Journey.
Rachel talks about her personal journey with IVF and the importance of sharing her experience to help others.

[02:00] Leaving Corporate Job.
Rachel discusses the reasons why she left her corporate job and the challenges she faced in finding her voice and being authentic in the workplace.

[07:34] Mindset Blocks and Fears.
Rachel shares her mindset blocks and fears, particularly around money and security, that she had to overcome in order to leave her corporate job and start her own business.

[10:42] Life Design Coach and Emotional Intelligence Curriculum.
Rachel talks about the importance of having a life design coach and participating in emotional intelligence curriculum to help her make the leap from her corporate job to starting her own business.

[12:33] Roles and Responsibilities in a Business Partnership.
Rachel discusses the challenges she and her husband faced in defining their roles and responsibilities as business partners and the importance of clarity in any business partnership.

[19:16] IVF Journey and Surrendering.
Rachel opens up about her IVF journey and the challenges and growth it has brought her, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to the process.

[21:18] IVF Journey.
Rachel talks about her struggles with IVF, including the process of transferring embryos and her difficulty in getting pregnant.

[26:22] Surrender and Lessons.
Rachel discusses the importance of surrendering and letting go, and how it has been a big lesson in her life.

[30:23] Comparing and Grieving.
Rachel talks about the challenges of comparing herself to others, especially when it comes to pregnancy, and how she has been grieving the unmet expectations in her journey.

[32:40] Importance of Mental Health Awareness.
Rachel and Emily discuss the importance of being aware of one’s mental health and seeking support when needed.

[36:09] Finding Your Voice and Personal Brand.
Rachel talks about the importance of finding one’s voice and building a personal brand that is authentic and true to oneself.

[39:48] Identifying Personal Value Proposition.
Rachel shares her four-step process for identifying one’s personal value proposition and building a strong personal brand.

[42:43] Differentiation and Value Proposition.
Rachel discusses the importance of differentiation and credibility in building a value proposition, and how passion and skills can contribute to it.

[44:37] Challenges in Branding.
Rachel talks about the common challenges people face in branding, such as being unclear about their audience and struggling to connect their stories.

[48:12] Surrender and Trust.
Rachel shares her advice on how to create a life that’s better than your dreams, which involves surrendering and trusting the process.


  • “Until you make the leap and there is no safety net, you can’t fly. It’s like you just gotta jump and then it will kind of work itself out and it has and it continues to.” – Rachel B Lee
  • “If I could help one soul, one person that has a similar experience, that would mean the world to me.”- Rachel B Lee
  • “The sooner you [surrender] in life, life is so much easier.”- Rachel B Lee
  • “Our voice is really us being able to vocalize how what how what and why we do what we do got it and it’s not easy.”- Rachel B Lee
  • “Surrender trust…you just gotta let it let it ride take your hands off the steering wheel and just trust that it will all work out.”- Rachel B Lee

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I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.

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